We are looking for tutorials discussing state-of-the art analysis methods that provide the audience with broad insights into the discussed methodologies, and with practical knowledge of how to apply them on their own datasets. Tutorial submission should consist of: Title and description (1 page), Proposer’s name, brief biography and contact information, and Length of the tutorial (should be between 2-4 hours). It should also provide the the intended audience, background requirement, importance to the BCB community and benefits to the participants. Additional details are available on the conference website. Tutorial proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format to the general chair no later than May 21, 2012.
If you have any questions, please contact Jing Li (jingli at cwru dot edu).
The tutorial template can be downloaded here.
Deadlines for the ACM-BCB tutorials:
Submission deadline:May 21, 2012June 15, 2012 11:59PM in the timezone of your choice!
Notification of Acceptance of Tutorials:July 16, 2012