In addition to contributing to the SUNY Homeland Defense initiative
at UB, the center will strive to become a leader within SUNY by
collaboration with the New York State Office of Science and
Technology and Academic Research (NYSTAR), Information Institute of
the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, New York, and other federal
Collaborate with companies in Western New York, New York State and
the Nation engaged in security research.
Promote multidisciplinary research at UB in the important area of IA
and cyber warfare and leverage infrastructure and resources by cross
disciplinary collaboration.
Secure large scale funding from federal and state agencies to
advance the state-of-the-art in IA and train the next generation IA
Bolster existing programs within UB by concentrations in IA and
related areas.
Create a Certificate program in IA in the near future.
Increase awareness in security at UB by arranging distinguished
visitor seminars, sponsor conferences and workshops in the area of
information assurance and security.
Awareness Workshops