Organizing Committee
Invited Speakers
Workshop Agenda
Date: July
27, 2010
Points of Contact
Dr. Donna Kaputa
Professor, Dept Chair
ECC Information Tech
Dr. H. Raghav Rao
Professor, MIS
Dr. Raj Sharman
Associate Professor, MIS
Dr. Shambhu J Upadhyaya
Director, CEISARE

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is being updated. Information on all the speakers is not yet available.
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Simson L. Garfinkel, Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterry, California
Topic: Building Realistic Forensic Corpora to Enable Undergraduate Education and Research.
Simson L. Garfinkel is an Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, and an associate of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. His research interests include computer forensics, the emerging field of usability and security, personal information management, privacy, information policy and terrorism.
Talk Abstract: Today it is possible to perform high quality digital forensics using entirely open source software. In this talk I will discuss the open source computer forensics “stack”. Starting with disk imaging, I will discuss how to capture data from a suspect computer, how to store and distribute the data in a forensically sound manner, and now to perform basic file recovery. Open source friendly tools are ideal for use in the educational environment because they can be distributed to students without cost and they can run on all commonly available student computing platforms.
In this talk I will present step by step instructions for using Libewf, affib, and Sleuth Kit. This talk will stress underlying concepts and use of the command line interface

David Dittrich, Senior Security Engineer and Researcher, University of Washington
Topic: The Digital 'Corpse': Past, Present and Future
David Dittrich is a Senior Security Engineer and Researcher in the Applied
Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington. His research interests
include distributed attacker tools ("botnets"), ethical issues in computer
network defense, host- and network-level forensics and cyberconflict. He will discuss his involvement with making "realistic" intrusion
data available to researchers and educators from the first Honeynet
Project "Forensic Challenge" in 2001 through the current NSF-funded
"Digital Corpora" project involving the Naval Postgraduate School
and University of Washington.
Richard Brittson
Topic: Digital forensics & privacy and constitutional issues, expert testimony, qualifying as an expert witness.
Richard Brittson is the Deputy Chief Investigator of Cyber and Forensic
Investigations at the Cybercrime and Identity Theft Bureau of the New
York County District Attorney's Office. His duties include providing
computer forensic analysis and investigative support for often large
scale (national and international) cases. Richard is a retired detective
from the NYPD. His assignments there included the Firearms Task Force
and Brooklyn North Homicide. Richard's last assignment while at the NYPD
was with the Computer Investigation & Technology Unit (now the Computer
Crimes Squad). After retiring, Richard was a Senior Forensic Consultant
at a leading computer forensic software company.
Richard Brittson is also a trainer and curriculum developer for the Law
Enforcement Innovation Center (LEIC) as well as an authorized instructor
for some course offerings of the National White Crime Center (NW3C). He
is a proud member of the Northeast Chapter of the High Technology Crimes
Association (HTCIA) where he was a board member and Chapter President.
Richard has received several awards, including the 2004 HTCIA 2004 Case
of the Year for "Operation Innocent Eyes".
Richard is and will always be a New York Yankee fan.
Peter R. Picarillo, CBCP
Topic: Resuming Business: Access to the zone after the event: Bnet, Inc
Peter R. Picarillo is Executive Director for the Business Network of Emergency Resources, Inc. (BNet) a not-for-profit firm dedicated to promoting public-private partnerships in emergency management and business continuity and developer of the Corporate Emergency Access System (CEAS).
Peter is a retired New York City Police Sergeant and a former Director of Public Private Initiatives for the New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM). He has over 15 years of hands-on disaster response and planning experience and is a Certified Business Continuity Professional. While at OEM, he pioneered a program that crafted initiatives to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors in areas related to crisis management and business continuity. He is responsible for several highly successful initiatives in information sharing and operational participation between the public and private sectors, including an emergency access plan for critical business personnel.
Talk Abstract: Access to your work facility after a disaster is one of the most
overlooked parts of the business continuity plan. What effect would the inability to
gain access to your worksite have on your company? How long can you be out of your facility
before it begins taking a financial and reputational toll on your company? If you do business
in the City of Buffalo or Erie County you’re in luck. The Corporate Emergency Access System (CEAS)
can help increase your resiliency should disaster strike. This session will give an overview of
the CEAS program and provide some strategies on how to best use the program within your company
to get the most benefit from this unique program.
Richard Donovan, CBCP, PMP Vice President – Business Continuity Management, M&T Bank
Topic: Business Continuity Management: ACP
Dick has been a full time business continuity planner for ten years. During those years he has become proficient in mitigation and prevention techniques, emergency response planning, business continuity plans, technology recovery plans, and alternate site planning.
He facilitates disaster recovery exercises where, over the last the years, M&T Bank has reduced their system recovery time from sixteen (16) hours to two (2) hours. During these exercises the bank has also gone from recovery of data that was days old to recovery of data that is current to within ninety (90) seconds of an incident.
He has conducted numerous emergency response exercises, using scenario based situations, both internal to the bank and at conferences.
Dick has facilitated at more than fifty training classes and exercises within the last four years including exercising the potential loss of offshore support.
Dick is a Certified Business Continuity Planner (CBCP) as well as a Project Management Professional (PMP). He is a founding member, past Chairman, and current Public Relations Direct of the Eastern Great Lakes Chapter of the Association of Contingency Planners (EGLACP). In 2007 Dick was awarded the Most Valuable Planner from the EGLACP.
He is also a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and an instructor for project certification classes. He has been a guest lecturer on Project Management and Business Continuity at the University of Buffalo.
Talk Abstract:
Business Continuity Management (BCM) at M&T Bank means much more than recovery of technical systems. This presentation will look at what functionalities a mature business continuity program. How Information Security relates to BCM will be explored as well as how BCM relates to all aspects of technology and business.
Emergency Response, Business Continuity, and Technical Recovery practices will be reviewed from a business perspective. This review will include the creation, modification, exercising, and approval of all types of continuity planning at M∓T Bank.
Specific topics include:
- Definition of Business Continuity Management
- The framework of business continuity planning at M&T Bank
- How to determine the maturity of your organization’s continuity program
- The MR3 methodology of business continuity
- Dependencies and dependency mapping
- Ongoing efforts to improve the BCM program

Brent Gallaugher, Manager, Agency Relations and Security, Niagara Falls Bridge Commission
Topic: Overview of Operation Renewed Cooperation, May 12, 2010, Rainbow Bridge
Brent Gallaugher originally hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, and has lived throughout Canada and the world. He began his career working as a Customs Broker in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan, until he accepted a position with Canada Customs. His career with Canada Customs spanned 24 years, during which he held such positions as Inspector, Superintendent, Manager of Drug Intelligence, and Manager of the Rainbow and Whirlpool Rapids Bridges. In September 1996, Mr. Gallaugher resigned from Canada Customs after accepting a position with the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission as Manager of the Operations Division, overseeing the Commission’s toll operations and technologists. Following the events of September 11th, the Bridge Commission recognized the need for increased security at its facilities and, given Mr. Gallaugher’s unique experience with border operations for Canada Customs, he was appointed to the position of Agency Relations & Security Manager. In this capacity Mr. Gallaugher is responsible for facilitating communication between the United States and Canadian border enforcement agencies, and implementing security measures for all of the Bridge Commission’s facilities, including the Rainbow, Whirlpool Rapids and Lewiston-Queenston Bridges.

Chris S. Renschler PhD, Director Landscape-based Environmental System
Analysis & Modeling (LESAM), University at Buffalo
Topic: Developing the Geospatial Project Management Tool (GeoProMT): Information Quality Assurance for Extreme
Chris S. Renschler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography
at the University at Buffalo (UB) - The State University of New York (SUNY)
in Buffalo, USA. He is a Research Scientist at three UB institutions: MCEER,
the Center for GeoHazard Studies, and the NCGIA. Dr. Renschler is a
Geoecologist and Geographer by training and received his Ph.D. from the
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Bonn in
Germany. The thrust of his holistic systems-based research in the
Environmental Sciences and Policy - namely founded in Earth Systems Science
(ESS), Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Environmental Modeling
- is to develop and implement quantitative geospatial modeling tools using
process-based models and GIS to support effective decision and policy-making
in natural resources and extreme events management.

Graham Hayes PhD, GISP, Post-Doctoral Researcher, LESAM,
University at Buffalo
Topic: Developing the Geospatial Project Management Tool (GeoProMT): Information Quality Assurance for Extreme
Certified GIS Professional with a passion and ability to communicate,
educate, and apply new ideas to unsolved problems and overlooked procedures.
Graham's varied educational background in Geology and Geography coupled with
years of hands-on, practical experience with the full suite of ESRI's GIS
software has allowed him to apply innovative geospatial techniques to
support creative, cost savings and measurable productivity gains for large
and small corporations as well as federal, state, county and local
government agencies.
Dr. Joshua J. Lynch D.O., EMT-P, University at Buffalo
Panelist: “A bridge scenario in a local scenario”
Dr. Joshua J. Lynch is the chief Resident Physician (2010-2011)
and an Assistant Clinical Instructor of Emergency Medicine at UB. He also
serves as a Volunteer Firefighter, Paramedic and SCUBA Rescue Technician
(4/01 to present). He was the Assistant Emergency Medical Services Coordinator
in 2009. His research work includes papers on Safety Profile of Propofol
During Air Medical Transport and Variations in ALS Symptomatic Bradycardia
Protocols Among New York State EMS Regions.

Daniel Mania Director of Security, Delaware North Companies
Panelist: “A bridge scenario in a local scenario”
Daniel Mania has nearly 20 years of experience in fields of corporate
security and law enforcement. He began his career as an Analyst with
the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and has held several
professional posts, including Police Officer with the Amherst Police
Department, Special Agent with the U.S. Secret Service, and Resident
Agent with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of
Inspector General. Mania also worked for America Online, Inc. at the
company’s corporate headquarters in Dulles, VA as Senior Manager of
Corporate Investigations, Senior Manager of Corporate Security and
Director of Corporate Security. Mania is currently employed as the
Director of Corporate Security and Aviation at Delaware North
Companies in Buffalo.
He is a graduate of Colgate University where he received a Bachelor
of Arts degree in Geology. He later worked towards a Juris Doctoral
degree at the University at Buffalo School of Law, and then obtained
a Master’s degree in Security Management from The George Washington
University. For a period of time, Mania served as an Adjunct
Professorial Lecturer within the Department of Forensic Sciences at
The George Washington University. He is board certified by the
American Society for Industrial Security in security management
(C.P.P.), corporate investigations (P.C.I.), and physical/electronic
security (P.S.P.). He is also a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt, and
a member of the International Security Manager's Association.
James J. Zymanek Amherst Disaster Coordinator
Panelist: “A bridge scenario in a local scenario”
James J. Zymanek is the director of Town of Amherst Department of Emergency Services and Safety. He has been working for the Town of Amherst
since 1980. He was appointed as Disaster Coordinator in 1990. He has been serving as a Firefighter for 30 years and served as a Fire Chief for 9
years. He has been involved with 11 federal disaster declarations holding all positions within the Incident Command structure. He has also worked
as part of the Command Staff at the Town of Clarence Emergency Operations Center for Flight 3407. Mr. Zymanek is the current Vice Chairman of the
Erie County Disaster Advisory Board and is NYS Certified Fire Instructor, NYS DEC Trainer, and CERT Instructor.