

Kenneth (Kenny) Joseph

I am an associate professor in the CSE Department at the University at Buffalo, the Associate Director for AI and Society at UB's Institute for AI and Data Science, and the Director of the cUBlab.

In the past, I was a postdoc at the LazerLab at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University and a fellow at Harvard's Institute for Quantitative Social Science. I completed my graduate work in the Societal Computing program in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, where I studied under Kathleen Carley in the CASOS lab.

I am the recipient of an NSF CAREER award; in addition to NSF, my work and teaching have also been generously supported in part by grants from the Mozilla Foundation, Amazon, and the Office of Naval Research.

Outside of work, I identify primarily as a lame suburban dad, doing lame suburban dad things like mulching, making bad jokes, and playing old man hockey.

Current Team

Sakib Aleem

Ph.D. Student

Alex Caceres-Wright

Ph.D. Student

Mohaddese Khari

Ph.D. Student

Alvin Tsang

MS Research Assistant

Matthew Bieniek

UG Research Assistant

Sulayman Ceesay

UG Research Assistant

Fyrose Nower

UG Research Assistant

Shreya Gupta

UG Research Assistant

Owen Lee

UG Research Assistant

Former Members