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CSE 115 - Fall 2006 - Left Navigation CSE 115 - Fall 2006 - Essay Assignment Rough Draft Page Contents

Final Draft - Grading

Page 1 - Title Page

Page 2 - Abstract (10 points)

  • Summarizes paper appropriately ( 10 / 5 / 0 )

Page 3, 4, 5, 6 - Main Paper Body (90 points)

  • Spelling and grammar ( 10 / 5 / 0 )
  • Content of paper ( 30 / 20 / 10 / 0 )
  • Coherence of paper ( 30 / 20 / 10 / 0 )
  • Took suggestions from rough draft ( 20 / 10 / 0 )

Page 7 References

  Deductions (Formatting of final packet)   Deductions (Contents of final packet)
Not typed: -20 points
Title page does not contain correct information: -9 points
Incorrect length (too short): -20 points
  Abstract too long or too short: -5 points
Part 1 not submitted in correct order: - 20 points
  Abstract not on its own page: -5 points
  Part 2 not submitted in correct order: -20 points   All references not cited in paper: -8 points
  Part 1 & 2 not connected together: -20 points   ACM style not used for citations: -5 points
Old work not attached: -20 points
  References not listed on a separate page: -5 points
  Fonts/margins not correct: -20 points  
Incorrect number of references: -5 points
      There is not one non-webpage reference: -5 points
      References page not using ACM style: -5 points
      References on references page not alphabetized: -5 points
References on references page not numbered: -5 points


CSE 115 - Fall 2006 - Footer


Last modified: Tue Nov 21 16:33:18 2006