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Reference Formatting

First of all, all entries in your references section (at the end of your paper) are to be presented in alphabetical order. Secondly, all occurrences of names of authors and/or editors should be set in Caps and Small Caps. (We will accept Caps and Lower case).

For journal:

ABDELBAR, A.M., AND HEDETNIEMI, S.M. 1998. Approximating MAPs for belief networks in NP-hard and other theorems. Artificial Intelligence 102, 21-38.

For book:

GINSBERG, M. 1987. Readings in Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA.

For article in a book of collection:

GREINER, R. 1999. Explanation-based learning. In The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, R. WILSON AND F. KEIL, Eds. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 301-303.

For Conference Proceedings:

MAREK, W., AND TRUSZCZYNSKI, M. 1989. Relating autoepistemic and default logics. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Toronto, Canada, May 1989, H. BRACHMAN AND R. REITER, Eds. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 276-288.

For web page. You MUST give each webpage a name - even if you make up a title for the page yourself to differentiate it from the other pages you might be referencing.

NameOfPage. YearAccessed. http://address.


References should be alphabetized and numbered at the end of the paper with numbers in []. For example:

[1] Reference1

[2] Reference2


When you are citing a source in your main paper, put the number of the source in brackets after the statement. For example,

"This is a quote from one of my sources." [2] This next sentence is an idea, or fact that I discovered while reading one of my sources, so I must cite it. [1]

CSE 115 - Fall 2006 - Footer


Last modified: Mon Sep 18 17:04:54 2006