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Essay Assignment - Rough Draft - Grading

Page 1 - Title Page (9 points)

  • Title of Paper appears ( 3 / 0 )
  • Student name appears ( 3 / 0 )
  • No other information present on title page ( 3 / 0 )

Page 2 - Abstract (12 points)

  • Reasonable length ( 3 / 0 )
  • Summarizes paper appropriately ( 9 / 5 / 0 )

Page 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 [8] - Main Paper Body (56 points)

  • Citations
    • All references cited in paper ( 9 / 0 )
    • Citations used ACM style ( 5 / 0 )
  • Spelling and grammar ( 18 / 9 / 0 )
  • Content of paper ( 12 / 6 / 0 )
  • Coherence of paper ( 12 / 6 / 0 )

Page 8 [9] References (23 points)

  • Correct number ( 9 / 0 )
  • One reference not a webpage ( 5 / 0 )
  • Used ACM style ( 3 / 0 )
  • References alphabetized ( 3 / 0 )
  • References numbered ( 3 / 0 )

Deductions (taken after above score is computed)

Not typed: -20 points

Not stapled: -20 points

Not in correct order: -20 points

Old work not attached: -20 points

Incorrect length: -20 points


CSE 115 - Fall 2006 - Footer


Last modified: Thu Nov 2 08:23:05 2006