CSE 116 Fall 2006 Stage 2 Grading (If used own code base) Group: Part A: Javadoc Comments/Javadocs (2 points)- All files should include Javadoc-style comments You received: (2 points)- Running javadoc command should generate Javadocs You received: Part B: README file (4 points)-README file submitted that gives general instructions for starting the game and any information about what things are or are not implemented in the submission You received: Part C: Email communication about group progress (4 points)-Emails sent to Adrienne about weekly progress You received: Part D: Test Cases (1 points)-At least one test case submitted using JUnit You received: (1 points)-More than one test case submitted You received: (5 points)-Test cases adequately cover all methods You received: Part E: UML diagram (4 points)-UML diagram submitted that shows the implementation of Stage 2. You received: Part E: GUI (4 points)-There is some visual indication of correctly guessed letters on the screen after the user makes their guess. You received: (4 points)-Letters appear in boxes on the screen as the user types them. You received: (4 points)-Removal of the numbers from the Lingo board is animated in some way to give the player indication of which numbers were removed. You received: (4 points)-Player should be able to see the board. You received: (4 points)-At the end of the rounds, the number of Lingos is displayed to the players. You received: Part F: Game Play Cleanup (4 points)-Player is given a time limit for each guess and the time remaining is displayed. You received: (2 points)-Guesses entered that are too short or too long are indicated to the user, but the user does not receive a penalty for them. You received: (2 points)-User is told what the correct first letter is You received: (2 points)-Game does not accept numbers or symbols as part of a guess. User is prompted to enter another guess. You received: (2 points)-Game is case insensitive. You received: (4 points)-If player does not guess the correct word in the number of guesses allowed, the correct word is displayed to them. You received: (3 points)-Main App class takes in the name of the dictionary file so that the graders can swap in their own dictionary file while grading. You received: Part G: Changes to game play (6 points)-Six rounds in game with words increasing in size from 4 letters to 9 letters. You received: (2 points)-Correct guesses in rounds 1 & 2 earns one ball off of the Lingo board. You received: (2 points)-Correct guesses in rounds 3 & 4 earns two balls off of the Lingo board. You received: (2 points)-Correct guesses in rounds 5 & 6 earns three balls off of the Lingo board. Part H: Bonus Round (4 points)-Winner earns 3 minutes to guess as many words as possible. You earned: (4 points)-Winner gets a bonus board which is a new Lingo board. You earned: (4 points)-Winner guesses at 5-letter words and gets 5 guesses for each word. You earned: (4 points)-Winner gets 1 bonus letter for each Lingo earned in round 1 that when "cashed in" earns them one free letter in the word they are currently guessing. You earned: (5 points)-At the end of three minutes, the total number of correctly guessed words is the number of balls removed from the Lingo board. You earned: (5 points)-Total number of Lingos earned in the bonus round displayed at the end. You earned: Deductions: [15 points] Peer reviews not completed. [10 points] User must specify dictioary file at beginning of game. Up to [15 points] UI usability deductions. Explain deductions here: Extra Credit: [7 points] If player earns a Lingo - animation shows which board cells make up the Lingo.