At the terminal (Unix) prompt, simply type
submit_cse115xx filename
where xx is the letter and number of your recitation (e.g. d6) and filename is the name of the file you want to submit (including extension).
First, you need to transfer the files you wish to submit to the CSE systems, using a file transfer program (like Filezilla). After you have transferred all your files, you need to log into
remotely by using a client (like PuTTY) to get the same prompt you would get in the lab. When you get to this prompt, you can type
submit_cse115xx filename
where xx is the letter and number of your recitation (e.g. d6) and filename is the name of the file you want to submit (including extension).
Page maintained by Adrienne Decker
Contact: | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3180 x 161