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Lab 9 (Working at Home)


When working at home on future labs, you will need to keep in mind many of the lessons learned from all the previous working from home labs.  Please make sure to refer back to them often.  While you will not have to re-install Eclipse and the other programs that were advised in Lab 2, you will need to remember how to transfer your work between the systems at school and your personal computer.  You will only see directions in this lab for working from home.  For a full description of the lab, please refer back to the Lab 9 page.

You will need to download a new version of the Classlibs.jar file, available from the Resources page.

Note if you create your project for the first time at home, your project will need to work on styx or your grade will be not as good as you'd hoped for. Thefore, you will need to do the following to ensure that the external JAR was attached properly:

  1. Select File->Open File
  2. When the file dialog box appears, navigate into your workspace and find a file in your Lab9 project named .classpath. Open this file.
  3. Inside the file, look for the line that says: <classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:\projects\CSE115\Classlibs\Spring2007\Classlibs.jar"/> and delete the "C:" from it. If your default drive is E: or F:, you will see those and should delete them all the same.
  4. Save the .classpath file and close it.

Note that these directions are similar to what you were instructed to do in the lab assignment itself. If you fail to follow these directions and your lab does not work on our systems, you will receive an automatic grade of zero for this assignment.

Once you have completed the lab (or completed as much as you can do), you will need to Export it to a Jar file and upload it to your school account so that you can either continue working on it in the Baldy lab or so you can submit it.  Please refer back to the Lab 2 instructions if you don't remember how to complete this step.

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Last modified: Thu Mar 29 10:19:15 2007
© Adrienne Decker