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Module 3
Last modified: February 03 2008 09:41:24 PM


In this lab assignment you will:

  • Open a Java source code file and add to its contents

Lab Tasks

More detailed directions on completing these lab tasks are available in Chapter 3 of the text. This set of tasks is not necessarily linear. You may have to go back and forth between editing and testing several times before moving on to the next step on the list.

  1. Open the Turtle.java file. This file is located in /eng/class/notes/cse113/intro-prog-java/bookClasses
  2. Edit the file so that you insert the method to draw a square from page 53 into the class file.
  3. Save the file into your own directory and test out the method by creating a Turtle and then calling the method in the Interactions pane.
  4. Edit the file so that you insert the method to draw a square from page 57 into the class file.
  5. Save the file again and test out the method by creating a Turtle and then calling the method in the Interactions pane.
  6. Edit the file so that you insert a method named drawStar into the turtle that uses the code you wrote from the last module for drawing a star.
  7. Save the file again and test out the method by creating a Turtle and then calling the method in the Interactions pane.
  8. Edit the file so that you insert a method named drawRectangle that takes in two pieces of information, an integer number for the width and an integer number for the height.
  9. Save the file again and test out the method by creating a Turtle and then calling the method in the Interactions pane.

Save Your File

You will not be able to save your file to the same place you opened it from. Therefore, when you save your file, save it inside your Module 3 directory that you created with the name Turtle.java


You will now have a file called Turtle.java. Submit this file by going back out to the Unix prompt and typing:

submit_cse113 Turtle.java

Due date

Your lab submission is due no later than 11:59:59 pm on February 22nd . Remember, no late labs will be accepted.

Lab authored by Adrienne Decker

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Page Maintained by: Adrienne Decker