CSE 115: Presentation Grading You will be scored by the TA in your lab section. TA will award a score of 1, 2, or 3 in the following categories: [A] Overall organization of the presentation Presentation should have been prepared ahead of time and student should seem to be following a plan for the content and ideas presented in the presentation. Presentation should be organized in a logical way, where if presentation a solution, the solution is presented in such a way that someone could follow the creation of the final program. Topics in the presentation should not jump from one idea to another. [B] Presentation Style Presenter should be audible and clear even in the back of the room. Presenter should frequently look at the audience in the room. Presenter should not read from slides, notecards, or other papers during the presentation. Presenter should appear confident in the material he/she is presenting. [C] Quality of materials presented Materials should show evidence of preparation. Slides (if used) should be clearly readable and easy to understand. If actual source code is shown, the selected pieces should be visible during the presentation and commented if necessary. There should be purpose for all the materials used. Hand drawn elements using the white board are also acceptable during presentation. However, these elements should also have been planned ahead and it should not look like the drawings and other notes are an afterthought to the presentation. TA will award a score of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 in the following category: (Note that grades of 2, 4, and 5 should be reserved for in-between cases. The real grades will mainly be 1, 3 or 6.) [D] Content of presentation Did the student explain and show the relevant details, definitions, patterns, and concepts needed to explain the solution? Did the student show a correlation between the lab assignment description and the resulting code? Did the student tie the relevant course concepts into the solution and show where those concepts were needed to solve the problem? It is the student's responsibility to ensure a working solution for the presentation by seeking out advice before the presentation date. If the student's submitted solution does not function, or have all required functionality, a discussion of what else was needed or how their solution could have been improved would be useful and helpful to other students. The idea is to show how the solution could be derived, not just simply showing the final product. Grading scale: Points Letter earned %score grade 15 100 A 14 94 A 13 88 A- 12 82 B+ 11 76 B 10 70 B- 9 64 C+ 8 58 C- 7 50 D 6 45 F 5 40 F 4 35 F 3 30 F 2 25 F 1 20 F REPORTING OF GRADES TO STUDENTS Use this template to send grades to students. The grades will be sent to username@cse.buffalo.edu and the subject of the email should be "Presentation Grade and Feedback" A copy of this ENTIRE email with the bottom part filled in by you should be sent to the student for their reference. [A] Overall organization of the presentation Points earned: Comments: [B] Presentation Style Points earned: Comments: [C] Quality of materials presented Points earned: Comments: [D] Content of presentation Points earned: Comments: Total points earned: