Photo by Heather Bellini

Atri Rudra
Katherine Johnson Chair in Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

B.Tech, IIT Kharagpur, 2000. Ph.D., University of Washington, 2007.


Contact Information

Office: 319 Davis Hall
Phone: (716) 645-2464
Fax: (716) 645-3654

I am interested in Theoretical Computer Science and belong to the Algorithms and Theory group at UB.
Of late I am also interested in questions at the intersection of computing and society and belong to the Computing for Social Good group at UB.
Theory Seminar

Specific topics of interest include structured linear algebra (with applications in machine learning), database algorithms, theory of error-correcting codes, algorithms and society.

    Publications (DBLP listing, Google Scholar profile).

Current Ph.D. Student(s)

Former Ph.D. Students Funding (Previous Funding)

My work is currently supported by

The support is gratefully acknowledged.

Teaching (Previous Courses)

Draft of a book on Coding Theory
