We will be using a blog for the
course in lieu of a course newsgroup. All announcements will be made on the blog.
If you are attending the course,
you must check the blog regularly (and consider subscribing to the
RSS feed).
Reference material
Not surprisingly, we will not follow any particular textbook. We will
mostly follow papers. Data streams is still somewhat of a young field and
the information is kind of scattered around. Having said that you might
find the following resources interesting/useful:
A survey
on data streams by S. Muthukrishnan
(we will be hearing about this name a fair bit in the seminar). There is
also an expanded version of the survey linked above is also available as a
The workload will be pretty light. Other than attending the lectures, students
will have to do the following:
Present a paper (or two) related to data streams. Here is a list to
get started. Note that this list is just meant to be a starting point: by all
means feel free to choose a paper related to what we cover in the lectures
that is not there is the list (but do get approval from Hung or Atri).
You are expected to choose your paper(s) by the end of the 4th week of class.
We will later on decide on a policy to assign time slots for presentations.
The students are expected to think about research problems related to data
streams. You might want to take a look at a list of open questions from the
IITK Data Streams workshop. You are expected to submit a report at the end of the
A grade of satisfactory/unsatisfactory will be assigned at the end of the
course. If you for some reason want a letter grade, talk to the instructors
about more details.