Bioinformatics Data Set

Project 1

Schema Design for Biomedical Data Warehouse
Biomedical data are being generated in an explosive rate, ranging from clinical test results to microarray gene expression profiles. The scale and complexity of these data sets give rise to substantial challenges in data management and analysis. Data warehouse and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) technologies have been developed for business applications. It is highly desirable that the these technologies can be applied to biomedical data integration and mining. The major difficulty lies in capturing and modeling diverse biological objects and their complex relationships. There have been various logical data models proposed to specify biomedical data in databases, including relational data models, object-oriented data models, and multidimensional data models. However, it is not clear yet which approach is the best for modeling and analyzing data in biomedical data warehouses.

Please refer the hw1.pdf for details

Project 2

Mining Association Rules from Gene Expression Data
1. Implement the Apriori algorithm to find all frequent itemsets.
2. Generate association rules based on the templates you specify.
Please refer the hw2.pdf for details

Project 3

Biomedical Data Warehouse/OLAP System
In this project, you are asked to implement a clinical and genomic data warehouse based on your schema design using the Oracle system. A good data warehouse should satisfy the following requirements: 1) support regular and statistical OLAP operations; 2) be robust to potential changes in the future; and 3) support knowledge discovery.
Please refer the project1.pdf for details

Project 4

Microarray Data Analysis
In the past few years, microarray technology has become one of the foremost tools in biological research. The emergence of this technology has empowered researchers in functional genomics to monitor gene expression profiles of thousands of genes (perhaps even an entire genome) at a time. However, mining microarray data also presents great challenges to Bioinformatics research. This project will acquaint you with several basic approaches to analyzing microarray data from the beginning to end. You will apply the techniques introduced in class to real-world microarray data sets and learn how to discover useful knowledge from the data sets. This project will also help you understand the challenges in microarray data analysis and motivate you to develop novel approaches to addressing those challenges.
Please refer the project2.pdf for details
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