Preparing a Seminar Talk on a Published Paper
Paper Title:
1. Analyze the paper
- What problem was investigated? What research question did the authors try to answer?
- What was the primary motivation for investigating the problem?
- What background information (context) is relevant to understanding the problem?
- List the paper's key points
- What method(s) or experimental design did the authors use?
- Which of the results reported in the paper are the most significant?
- Did the authors note any unexpected results? If so, were those results explained sufficiently?
- What were the authors' conclusions?
- What were the implications of this work? How did this work influence future work?
- What, if any, were the weaknesses of the paper?
2. Adapt the paper for your audience.
- Why should your audience be interested in this particular topic?
- What do they already know about it?
- What terms or definitions will be new to them?
- Which key points or concepts will be the most difficult for them to grasp?