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Lecture: TTh, 12:30-1:50, NatSci 220
Recitation: F, 12:00-12:50, Norton 213 or M, 2:00-2:50, Norton 210 or W, 11-11:50, Capen 262
Dr. Russ Miller's Office Hrs.: Tues. 10:30-11:30
T.A.s: Ajay P Nerurkar, Office Hrs.: M, 3:00-4:00, F, 1:00-2:00, Bell 329;
Yingzhong Wen, WTh, 3:00-4:00, Trailer B.

Preamble: CS531 is a graduate-level course in Analysis of Algorithms that is required of all graduate students in the Department of Computer Science. CS431 is an undergraduate-level course in Algorithms that serves as an elective for undergraduate students at the University at Buffalo.

Reading Material:

Grading Policy:

  1. Midterm exam will account for 25% of your grade.
  2. Final exam will account for 40% of your grade.
  3. Homeworks will account for 35% of your grade.
  4. If you pass both the Exam Portion and the Non-exam Portion of the course, then your course grade will be the (weighted) average of these two letter grades. If you fail either portion of the course, you will receive an F in the course.

Assignments must be submitted before the beginning of class on the day they are due.

Recitation is required. New and supplementary material will be presented in recitation sections.


Disclaimer: I reserve the right to change any part of this tentative syllabus at any time.

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Russ Miller
Thu Apr 25 09:03:24 EDT 1996