CSE633: Parallel Computing

Spring 2018

Prof. Russ Miller

The focus of this course will be on experimental (hands-on) parallel computing. Each student is responsible for a semester-long project. Grading will be based on the project, as well as two PPT-type talks covering the project. The first talk provides a brief explanation of the proposed project, goals, expectations, and a timeline of the work to be performed. The second talk provides a summary of accomplishments. Students are encouraged to look at the final talks from previous semesters, available below. Note that a successfully completed project satisfies the requirement for a project in the M.S. program. (The student who completes the project successfully is responsible for filling out the proper paperwork and presenting it to Dr. Miller for a signature.) NB: There will be a cap on the number of students allowed to enroll in the course, so that those who are enrolled will have a full experience and educational opportunity.

  • Spring 2017: The focus of this course will be on experimental (hands-on) parallel computing. Each student is responsible for a semester-long project. Grading will be based on the project, as well as two PPT talks covering the project. The first talk provides a brief explanation of the proposed project, goals, expectations, and a timeline of the work to be performed. The second talk provides a summary of accomplishments. Students are encouraged to look at the final talks from previous semesters, available below. Note that a successfully completed project satisfies the requirement for a project in the M.S. program. (The student who completes the project successfully is responsible for filling out the proper paperwork and presenting it to Dr. Miller for a signature.) NB: There will be a cap on the number of students allowed to enroll in the course, so that those who are enrolled will have a full experience and educational opportunity.

  • Spring 2014: The focus of this course will be on experimental (hands-on) parallel computing, where each student is responsible for a semester-long project. Historically, grading is based on two PPT talks covering the project, as follows. The first talk provides a brief explanation of the proposed project, goals, expectations, and a timeline of the work to be performed. The second talk provides a summary of accomplishments. Students are encouraged to look at the final talks from previous semesters, available below. Note that a successfully completed project satisfies the requirement for a project in the M.S. program. (The student who completes the project successfully is responsible for filling out the proper paperwork and presenting it to Dr. Miller for a signature.) NB: For this semester, instead of a registration of 6-12 students, there have been as many as 70 students registered for this course, which is the cap defined by the CSE Department. I assume by the time the course starts, there will be on the order of 60 students actually in the course. Currently, I have no clue as to how to teach this highly interactive course that provides all students with ample time for presentations and allows the instructor ample time to discuss advanced theoretical parallel algorithms to 6-12 times the number of students for which this course was designed.

  • Fall 2012: Covers both theoretical parallel algorithms and experimental (hands-on) parallel computing.

  • Fall 2011: Covers both theoretical parallel algorithms and experimental (hands-on) parallel computing.

  • Fall 2010: Covers both theoretical parallel algorithms and experimental (hands-on) parallel computing.

  • Spring 2009: Covers both theoretical and experimental (hands-on) parallel algorithms.