Frames Tutor- Lesson 5

I think what we'll do now is make a Framed Page from scratch.
Nothing fancy, just something like this.

Before we start, let me stress... keep it simple! A site with a bunch of frames and links pointing all over the place is going to be confusing to build and even more confusing to navigate. That said, let's go to it!

First we must think about what we want the end result to be. I think a good simple design would be a banner across the top, a directory window on the left, and the main window on the right. Let's make the Master Page first.

<TITLE>A Practice Page</TITLE>



Make another new folder and save this as index.html. Also the image we will be using for the banner is the "MY FRAMZ PAGE" image. It is called framz1.gif and it is in the framz folder. Copy it into the working folder you just created.

Divide the screen horizontally.

<TITLE>A Practice Page</TITLE>



Note we get 83 by adding 8 to the height of the image (75+8=83). Also note that since we are using an absolute dimension we are including an elastic frame.

Next specify banner.html to go in the top frame (we will make that document in a couple minutes). Also throw in a <FRAMESET> tag pair because we are going to divide that bottom portion further.

<TITLE>A Practice Page</TITLE>

  <FRAME SRC="banner.html">


You can run this now but you may get error messages because it's incomplete.

We will divide the bottom window into two sections. We will also specify that the left window contain directry.html and the right window contain home.html. Once again, we have not made these documents so you may still get an error message (or two) (or three).

<TITLE>A Practice Page</TITLE>

  <FRAME SRC="banner.html">
  <FRAMESET COLS="20%,80%">
    <FRAME SRC="directry.html">
    <FRAME SRC="home.html">



Since we will have our directory on the left and pages will load into the righthand frame, we should name that frame. Its the only one that will have stuff loaded into it so its the only one we really need to name.

<TITLE>A Practice Page</TITLE>

  <FRAME SRC="banner.html">
  <FRAMESET COLS="20%,80%">
    <FRAME SRC="directry.html">
    <FRAME SRC="home.html NAME="MAIN-WINDOW">


OK. We are done with this one... for now.

Lets make banner.html. Start with the following and save it.

<TITLE>Practice Page- Banner</TITLE>

Notice we have specified a background color of blue.
VIEW banner.html          VIEW Master Page

Pop in the image and <CENTER> it.

<TITLE>Practice Page- Banner</TITLE>
<CENTER><IMG SRC="framz1.gif" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=75></CENTER>

VIEW banner.html          VIEW Master Page

While I'm thinking about it, I just wanted to mention that if you look at the source of my documents to assist you in creating your documents you may find a few things that don't make sense or that may contradict what I say. That is because I have to make my pages jump through a few hoops so that the lessons work right when viewed. Make sense? If not, just don't look at the source of these pages unless you want to confuse yourself.

Alright... as you can see we have a problem. We have a scrollbar getting in the way and the image is not positioned in the window very well. Open your Master Page. Turn off the scroll bars and get rid of the margins.

<TITLE>A Practice Page</TITLE>

  <FRAMESET COLS="20%,80%">
    <FRAME SRC="directry.html">
    <FRAME SRC="home.html NAME="MAIN-WINDOW">



Now let's make our Directory page. Start with the following and save it as directry.html.

<TITLE>Practice Page- Directory</TITLE>

VIEW directry.html          VIEW Master Page

Give it a heading and write in the text of all the links. We'll add the link info in a minute.

<TITLE>Practice Page- Directory</TITLE>



Go here<BR>
or there<P>

or visit<BR>


VIEW directry.html          VIEW Master Page

Now add the link information.

<TITLE>Practice Page- Directory</TITLE>


<A HREF="home.html">Home</A><P>

<A HREF="here.html">Go here</A><BR>
<A HREF="there.html">or there</A><P>

or visit<BR>
<A HREF="">Yahoo</A><BR>
<A HREF="">Netscape</A>


VIEW directry.html          VIEW Master Page

Wasn't THAT fun! No I suppose it wasn't. Take 5. Stretch, go pee, get cup of coffee, scratch yer butt, whatever. Take a break. I am.

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