HTML Lesson Three

Table of Contents

Image Maps


The <TABLE> and </TABLE> tags must surround the entire table definition. The first item inside the table is the CAPTION, which is optional. Then you can have any number of rows defined by the <TR>and </TR> (Table Row) tags. Within a row you can have any number of cells defined by the <TD>...</TD> (Table Data) or <TH>...</TH> (Table Header) tags. Each row of a table is, essentially, formatted independently of the rows above and below it. This lets you easily display tables like the one above with a single cell, such as Table Attributes, spanning columns of the table.

Here is a simple table example, -- a table with 3 rows and 4 columns

   <caption align="bottom">This is the Table Caption</caption>
   <TH>Heading 1<TH> Heading 2<TH> Heading 3<TH> Heading 4 
   <TD>0.44 </TD><TD>0.3</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>beta</TD> 
This table is displayed as:

This is the Table Caption
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4
0.44 0.37.2beta

this also has not end tags for tr, td, or th.
This is the Table Caption
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4
0.32 1.2 3.2 alpha stuff
0.44 0.3 7.2 beta stuff

The entire table can be centered by placing the <center> tags around the table as so:



This is the Table Caption
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4
0.32 1.2 3.2 alpha
0.44 0.3 7.2 beta

Width, Cellspacing, Cellpadding, and Borders

Here are some simple tables, showing how WIDTH, CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING and BORDER attributes work:

<table border>
<TR> <TH> Head 1 <TH> Head 2 </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4.11   <TD> 4.23   </TR>

Head 1 Head 2
4.11 4.23
<table border=18>
<TR> <TH> Head 1 <TH> Head 2 </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4.11   <TD> 4.23   </TR>

Head 1 Head 2
4.11 4.23
<table border cellpadding=18>
<TR> <TH> Head 1 <TH> Head 2 </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4.11   <TD> 4.23   </TR>

Head 1 Head 2
4.11 4.23
<table border cellspacing=18>
<TR> <TH> Head 1 <TH> Head 2 </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4.11   <TD> 4.23   </TR>

Head 1 Head 2
4.11 4.23
<table border width=80%>
<TR> <TH> Head 1 <TH> Head 2 </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4.11   <TD> 4.23   </TR>
Head 1 Head 2
4.11 4.23

<table border width=80>
<TR> <TH> Head 1 <TH> Head 2 </TR>
<TR> <TD> 4.11   <TD> 4.23   </TR>
Head 1 Head 2
4.11 4.23


TR Alignment Attributes

The TR Element defines a single table row. The TR element can take the attributes ALIGN and VALIGN, which define alignment properties for the contents of cells within that row. ALIGN, which defines the horizontal alignment properties, can take the values "left", "center" and "right", while VALIGN, which defines the vertical alignment properties of the cells, can take the possible values "top", "middle", "bottom". The default values are ALIGN="left", and VALIGN="middle".

TD and TH Alignment Attributes

The individual table cells, defined by the TD and TH elements, can also take the alignment attributes, to specify the alignment of the particular cell. This overrides the alignment specification given by TR, as shown in the examples below. The default values for TD cells are ALIGN="left", and VALIGN="middle", while the default values for TH are ALIGN="center", and VALIGN="middle".

Table Alignment Attribute Examples

The following table, illustrating TR attributes:

<table border width=80% height=80%>
<TR>                 <TD> Head 1  <BR>bloop </TD> <TD> Head  </TR>
<TR ALIGN="left">    <TD> Left 1  <BR>left  </TD> <TD> Left  </TR>
<TR ALIGN="center">  <TD> Center  <BR>center</TD> <TD> Center</TR>
<TR ALIGN="right">   <TD> Right   <BR>right </TD> <TD> Right </TR>
<TR VALIGN="top">    <TD> Top     <BR>top   </TD> <TD> Top   </TR>
<TR VALIGN="bottom"> <TD> Bottom  <BR>bottom</TD> <TD> Bottom</TR>

is displayed by your browser as: (I hope your browser supports tables!)

Head 1

TD and TH Override TR

As the following example illustrates, alignment attributes on TD or TH attributes override those alignments specified by the TR

<table border width=50% height=45%>
<TR align="center" valign="center">
    <TD align="left" valign="top">left&th;br>top&th;/TD>
    <TD align="left" valign="top">left/top&th;/TD
<TR align="center" valign="center">
    <TD align="right" valign="bottom">right&th;br>bottom&th;/TD>
    <TD align="right" valign="bottom">right/bottom&th;/TD
    <TD align="center" valign="center">center&th;br>center&th;/TD>
    <TD align="center" valign="center">center/center&th;/TD

Is displayed as:

If you want to span more than one column or row you would use colspan and rowspan like this:
<table border width=100% height=35%>
<tr align="center">
   <td colspan=3>This text will span three columns&th;/td>
   <td>and this one, only one</td>
<tr align="center">
   <td rowspan=3>This text will span three rows</td>
<tr align="center">
<tr align="center">
This text will span three columns and this one, only one
This text will span three rowsoneone one
oneone one

   <td rowspan=7><img src="goofy.gif"></td>
   <td align="left">This is very </td>
   <tr><td align="left">handy when </td>
   <tr><td align="left">trying to </td>
   <tr><td align="left"> write multiple </td>
   <tr><td align="left">lines in </td>
   <tr><td align="left">relation </td>
   <tr><td align="left">to an image. </td>

This is very
handy when
trying to
write multiple
lines in
to an image.


I went the really cheap way out on the Frames part of my demonstration.
Here is a link to THE best page I have found for the creation of frames. It is complete and easy to follow.
Frames Tutorial

Image Maps

(window one) (window two) (door) (sky) (roof) (other)

First create an image. (or do like I did and pick one done for you). I used both Xpaint and XV to manipulate my images.

Next create an imagemap map file containing the coordinates of the links. A common scheme for an imagemap is a collection of points, polygons, rectangles and circles, each containing a short text description of some piece of information or some information server; interconnections are conveyed through lines or arcs. Try to keep the individual items in the map spaced out far enough so a user will clearly know what he or she is clicking on.


Lines beginning with # are comments. Every other non-blank line consists of the following:

method URL coord1 coord2 ... coordn

   default prest3.html#IMAGE

   rect win1.html 110,210 150,290
   rect door.html 170,230 220,330
   rect win2.html 250,210 290,290
   poly roof.html 80,180 200,70 330,180
   rect sky.html 40,40 360,330
This file is linked to your document in the following manner:
   <a href="IMAGEMAPS/" >
   <img src="IMAGEMAPS/home.gif" ismap></a> 
Method is one of the following:
default - For the default URL
Coordinates: none
circle - For a circle
Coordinates: center edgepoint
poly - For a polygon of at most 100 vertices
Coordinates: Each coordinate is a vertex.
rect - For a rectangle
Coordinates: upper-left lower-right
point - For closest to a point
Coordinate: thePoint
URL is one of the following:
A Local URL
ex. /docs/tutorials
A Full URL
Each coord entry is a coordinate, format x,y. The number depends on the method.
The default document is returned when a portion of the image has not been mapped to any other document. Also note that it does not make sense to use the default method with the point method because if even one point method is specified, anywhere you click will be considered close to the point and the URL specified by point will be serviced.

Circles, polygons, and points are available in addition to rectangular areas. These areas may overlap. In the case of overlap, the first link listed in the map file that is mapped to the point selected will be used. See the official documentation for more details. I would generally recommend that the whole imagemap be linked to something so that the default is never used. You may want to use xv (xv-3.00a.tar.Z) for X or Paint Shop Pro ( for Windows to obtain the pixel coordinates for the map file. Other useful graphics programs are also available.