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Lesson Three - AllEventsApplet

This applet is a subclass of the AllComponents applet from lesson two. It too pops up as a top-level java.awt.Frame. The difference is that in this example, the widgets have been associated with actions.


The HTML Appplet tag is:
   <APPLET code="AllEventsApplet.class" width=1 height=1></APPLET>

Program Listing

The java program is divided between two classes

The Applet

// This applet was written by Jeffrey Juliano (

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Frame;

public class AllEventsApplet extends Applet
  public void init()
    components = new AllEvents ("Component Demo");

  public void start()
  public void stop()
  protected AllComponents components;


// This example was modified by Jeffrey Juliano (
// to derrive from Frame instead of Applet.
// This example is from the book _Java in a Nutshell_ by David Flanagan.
// Written by David Flanagan.  Copyright (c) 1996 O'Reilly & Associates.
// You may study, use, modify, and distribute this example for any purpose.
// This example is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY either expressed or implied.

import java.awt.*;

public class AllEvents extends AllComponents {
    public AllEvents(String title) {
    // This method handles all the events generated by all the components.
    public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
        switch( {
        // Most components generate ACTION_EVENT
        // We test the target field to find out which component.
        case Event.ACTION_EVENT:
            if ( == textfield) {
                textarea.setText("Your name is: " + (String)event.arg + "\n");
            else if ( == choice) {
                textarea.setText("Your favorite color is: " + 
                         (String) event.arg + "\n");
            else if (( == checkboxes[0]) ||
                 ( == checkboxes[1]) ||
                 ( == checkboxes[2])) {
                textarea.setText("Your favorite flavor is: " + 
                         checkbox_group.getCurrent().getLabel() + "\n");
            else if ( == list) {
                textarea.setText("You double-clicked on: " + 
                         (String)event.arg + "\n");
            else if ( == okay) {
                textarea.setText("Okay button clicked.\n");
            else if ( == cancel) {
                textarea.setText("Cancel button clicked.\n");
            else if ( instanceof MenuItem) {
                // Since we didn't save references to each of the menu objects,
                // we check which one was pressed by comparing labels.
                // Note that we respond to these menu items by 
                // popping up dialog boxes.
                if (((String)event.arg).equals("Quit")) {
                    YesNoDialog d = new ReallyQuitDialog(this, textarea);
                else if (((String)event.arg).equals("Open")) {
                    textarea.setText("You selected Open.\n");
                    // Use the dialog box created by our superclass.
                    file_dialog.pack();  // bug workaround
          ;  // blocks until user selects a file
                    textarea.setText("You selected file: " + 
                else if (((String)event.arg).equals("About")) {
                    InfoDialog d;
                    d = new InfoDialog(this, "About AWT Demo",
                               "This demo was written by David Flanagan\n" +
                               "Copyright (c) 1996 O'Reilly & Associates");
                    textarea.setText("You selected About.\n");
            else {
                textarea.setText("Unknown action event.");
        // Double-clicking on a list generates an action event.
        // But list selection and deselection are separate event types.
        case Event.LIST_SELECT:
            textarea.setText("You selected: " + 
                     list.getItem(((Integer)event.arg).intValue()) + "\n");
        case Event.LIST_DESELECT:
            textarea.setText("You deselected: " + 
                     list.getItem(((Integer)event.arg).intValue()) + "\n");
        // These are some events pertaining to the window itself.
        case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY:
            textarea.setText("Window Destroy\n");
        case Event.WINDOW_ICONIFY:
            textarea.setText("Window iconify\n");
        case Event.WINDOW_DEICONIFY:
            textarea.setText("Window deiconify\n");
        case Event.WINDOW_MOVED:
            textarea.setText("Window moved\n");
        // We print a message about each of these mouse and key events,
        // but return false after so that they can still
        // be properly handled by their correct recipient.
        case Event.MOUSE_DOWN:
            textarea.setText("Mouse down: [" + event.x + "," + event.y + "]\n");
            return false;
        case Event.MOUSE_UP:
            textarea.setText("Mouse up: [" + event.x + "," + event.y + "]\n");
            return false;
        case Event.MOUSE_DRAG:
            textarea.setText("Mouse drag: [" + event.x + "," + event.y + "]\n");
            return false;
        case Event.KEY_PRESS:
        case Event.KEY_ACTION:
            textarea.setText("Key press\n");
            return false;
        case Event.KEY_RELEASE:
        case Event.KEY_ACTION_RELEASE:
            textarea.setText("Key release\n");
            return false;
        // We ignore these event types.
        case Event.GOT_FOCUS:
        case Event.LOST_FOCUS:
        case Event.MOUSE_ENTER:
        case Event.MOUSE_EXIT:
        case Event.MOUSE_MOVE:
            return false;
        // We shouldn't ever get this...
            textarea.setText("Unexpected Event type: " + event + "\n");
        return true;

    // Here's the method that lets us run and test this class.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Frame f = new AllEvents("AWT Demo");

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