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Movie/Animation Resources

Movies and animation are an exciting aspect of the Web, although they should be used with discretion. A small movie clip can take hours to download from a slow modem!

There are two ways of viewing movies in Netscape. The most recent version (Netscape 3.0) includes a Plug In for playing Quicktime (MOV) movies. These are the most common movie format. There are also Plug Ins available for other formats including MPEG and VIVO.

If you have are unable to obtain Netscape 3.0 or additional Plug Ins, it is possible to configure 'helper applications' to play sounds and music that Netscape can't handle. This option exists in the General Preferences menu in Netscape, and works by assigning particular file types to external applications. For example, if you had a separate movie player such as Adobe Premiere, you could assign it to play all MOV files.

Below are some sites where good quality movie and animation clips can be found. Note that some of these are copyright and should not be used without permission.

Web resources | Images | Sound and Music | Movies and Animation | Internet Tools | Color Selections