Control Flow Statements
The countChars method uses a while statement to loop through all of
the characters of the input source and count them:
public class Count {
public static
void countChars(Reader in) throws IOException
int count = 0;
while ( != -1)
System.out.println("Counted " + count + " chars.");
// ... main
method omitted ...
Generally speaking, a while statement performs some action
while a
certain condition remains true. The general syntax of
the while
statement is:
while (expression)
That is, while expression is true, do statement. In countChars,
the read method returns a value that is not -1, the program
By Convention: The opening curly bracket { is at the end
of the same
line as the while statement, and the closing curly bracket
} begins a
new line aligned with the while, as shown.
statement can be one statement, as shown in countChars,
or it can be
a statement block. A statement block is a series of legal
Java statements
contained within curly brackets ('{' and '}'). For example,
suppose that
in addition to incrementing count within the while loop
you also
wanted to print the count each time a character was read.
You could write
this instead:
. . .
while ( != -1) {
a character. Count = " + count);
. . .
A statement such as the while statement is a control flow
that is, it determines the order in which other statements
are executed.
Besides while, the Java language supports several other
control flow
statements, including:
Statement |
Keyword |
decision making |
if-else, switch-case |
loop |
for, while, do-while |
exception |
try-catch-finally throw |
miscellaneous |
break, continue, label:, return |
Note: Although goto is a reserved word, currently the Java language
does not support the goto
statement. Use Branching Statements instead.
The if-else Statement
Java's if-else statement provides your
programs with the
ability to selectively execute other
statements based on some
criteria. For example, suppose that
your program printed
debugging information based on the value
of some boolean
variable named DEBUG. If DEBUG were
set to true, then your
program would print debugging information
such as the value of
some variable like x. Otherwise, your
program would proceed
normally. A segment of code to implement
this might look like
. . .
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("DEBUG: x = " + x);
. . .
This is the simplest version of the if
statement: the statement
governed by the if is executed if some
condition is true.
Generally, the simple form of if can
be written like this:
if (expression)
So, what if you wanted to perform a different
set of statements if
the expression is false? Well, you can
use the else statement for
that. Consider another example. Suppose
that your program
needs to perform different actions depending
on whether the user
clicks on the OK button or the Cancel
button in an alert window.
Your program could do this using an
if statement:
. . .
// response is either OK or CANCEL depending
// on the button that the user pressed
. . .
if (response == OK)
. . .
// code to perform OK action
. . .
} else {
. . .
// code to perform Cancel action
. . .
This particular use of the else statement
is the catch-all form.
The else block is executed if the if
part is false. There is
another form of the else statement,
else if which executes a
statement based on another expression.
For example, suppose
that you wrote a program that assigned
grades based on the value
of a test score, an A for a score of
90% or above, a B for a score
of 80% or above and so on. You could
use an if statement with
a series of companion else if statements,
and an else to
write this code:
int testscore;
char grade;
if (testscore >= 90)
grade = 'A';
} else if (testscore
>= 80) {
grade = 'B';
} else if (testscore
>= 70) {
grade = 'C';
} else if (testscore
>= 60) {
grade = 'D';
} else {
grade = 'F';
An if statement can have any number of
companion else if
statements, but only one else. You may
have noticed that some
values of testscore could satisfy more
than one of the
expressions in the compound if statement.
For instance, a score
of 76 would evaluate to true for two
of the expressions in the
if statement: testscore >= 70 and testscore
>= 60.
However, as the runtime system processes
a compound if
statement such as this one, once a condition
is satisfied (76 >=
70), the appropriate statements are
executed (grade = 'C';),
and control passes out of the if statement
without evaluating the
remaining conditions.
The switch Statement
Use the switch statement to conditionally
perform statements
based on some expression. For example,
suppose that your
program contained an integer named month
whose value
indicated the month in some date. Suppose
also that you wanted
to display the name of the month based
on its integer equivalent.
You could use Java's switch statement
to perform this feat:
int month;
. . .
switch (month) {
case 1: System.out.println("January");
case 2: System.out.println("February");
case 3: System.out.println("March");
You can also have a default entry at the bottom
of the list of the case statements, which is done like this:
default: System.out.println("This isn't a valid month"); break;
The break keyword makes the switch statement stop execution, and get
out of the switch statement to continue on in the program.
Loop Statements
You were introduced to Java's while statement
above. Java has
two other looping constructs that you
can use in your programs:
the for loop and the do-while loop.
Use the for loop when you know the constraints
of the loop (its
initialization instruction, termination
criteria, and increment
instruction). For instance, for loops
are often used to iterate
over the elements in an array, or the
characters in a string.
// a is an array of
some kind
. . .
int i;
int length = a.length;
for (i = 0; i <
length; i++) {
. . .
// do something to the i th element of a
. . .
You know when writing the program that
you want to start at the
beginning of the array, stop at the
end, and hit every element.
Thus the for statement is a good choice.
The general form of
the for statement can be expressed like
for (initialization;
termination; increment)
initialization is a statement that initializes
the loop--its
executed once at the beginning of the
loop. termination is an
expression that determines when to terminate
the loop. This
expression is evaluated at the top of
each iteration of the loop.
When the expression evaluates to false,
the for loop
terminates. Finally, increment is an
expression that gets invoked
for each iteration through the loop.
Any (or all) of these
components can be empty statements (a
single semi-colon by
Java provides another loop, the do-while
loop, which is similar
to the while loop you met earlier except
that the expression is
evaluated at the bottom of the loop:
do {
} while (booleanExpression);
The do-while statement is a less commonly
used loop
construct in programming but does have
its uses. For example,
the do-while is convenient to use when
the statements within
the loop must be executed at least once.
For example, when
reading information from a file, you
know that you will always
have to read at least one character:
int c;
Reader in;
. . .
do {
c =;
. . .
} while (c != -1);
Exception Handling Statements
When an error occurs within a Java method,
the method can
throw an exception to indicate to its
caller that an error occurred
and the type of error that occured.
The calling method can use
the try, catch, and finally statements
to catch and handle
the exception. If you want some more
information on this feature
that has some more information about
throwing and handling exceptions,
go to Handling
Errors Using Exceptions on Sun's java page.
Branching Statements
You saw the break statement in action
within the switch
statement earlier. As noted there, break
causes the flow of
control to jump to the statement immediately
following the
current statement.
There is another form of break that causes
flow of control to
jump to a labeled statement. You label
a statement by placing a
legal Java identifier (the label) followed
by a colon (:) before the
breakToHere: someJavaStatement
To jump to the statement labeled breakToHere
use this form
of the break statement.
break breakToHere;
Labeled breaks are an alternative to
the goto statement, which is
not supported by the Java language.
Use the continue statement within loops
to jump to another
Note: The continue statement can only
be called from within
a loop.
The continue statement has two forms:
unlabeled and labeled.
If you use the unlabelled form, control
transfers to the
termination condition of the loop. The
termination condition gets
re-evaluated at this point and the loop
either continues or not
depending on the results of the test.
In for and while loops,
this means that control returns to the
top of the loop. In
do-while loops, this means that controls
returns to the bottom
of the loop.
If using the labeled form of continue,
the loop continues at the
labelled statement. Consider this implementation
of the String
class's indexOf method which uses the
labeled form of
public int indexOf(String
str, int fromIndex) {
char[] v1 = value;
char[] v2 = str.value;
int max = offset + (count - str.count);
for (int i = offset + ((fromIndex < 0) ? 0 : fromIndex); i <= max
; i++) {
int n = str.count;
int j = i;
int k = str.offset;
while (n-- != 0) {
if (v1[j++] != v2[k++]) {
continue test;
return i - offset;
return -1;
The last of Java's branching statements
the return statement.
You use return to exit from the current
method and jump back
to the statement within the calling
method that follows the
original method call. There are two
forms of return: one that
returns a value and one that doesn't.
To return a value, simply
put the value (or an expression that
calculates the value after the
return keyword):
return ++count;
The value returned by return must match
the type of method's
declared return value.
When a method is declared void use the
form of return that
doesn't return a value: