What is JAVA?-Full Text
Intro FAQ 
What is Java? What was it's original purpose?
Summary: By Bob Perini


                            by Jason English 

                            It all started with a blunt letter. 

                            In 1990, Sun Microsystems software engineer Patrick
                            Naughton was fed up with trying to support the hundreds of
                            different combinations of software APIs used within the
                            company. When he told CEO and friend Scott McNealy of
                            his plans to accept a job offer from NeXT, McNealy didn't
                            take the news sitting down. He asked Naughton to create a
                            list of his complaints and to suggest a solution "as if you were

                            When Naughton created his list, he didn't pull any punches
                            about Sun's shortcomings. Naughton said the NeWS
                            software architecture the company was working on should
                            be scrapped, and he suggested that of the more than one
                            hundred people working in the Window Systems Group at
                            that time, most of them wouldn't be needed if Sun
                            straightened out the technical mess. After Naughton sent
                            the letter to McNealy, he figured it would be ignored. "Why
                            should I care?" he asked himself. "I'm leaving anyway." 

                            Much to Naughton's surprise, the letter did make a
                            difference. Quietly, it was e-mailed to many of Sun's top
                            software engineers. Naughton's e-mail box was flooded with
                            messages from colleagues who agreed with his assessment of
                            the company's situation. Bill Joy, a Sun founder, and James
                            Gosling, Naughton's mentor at Sun, supported his views and
                            added fuel to the fire by raising many of the same concerns
                            to other senior executives. 

                            The day Naughton was to leave for NeXT, Sun made him a
                            counter offer. The company would create a team of top
                            software developers and free them to do whatever they
                            wanted. The only expected deliverable: make something

                            The team of six, codenamed Green, went into a
                            self-imposed exile, very much like the scientists on the
                            Manhattan Project. The team stocked the refrigerator with
                            Cokes and Dove bars; discussed what they liked and didn't
                            like about the technologies that were out on the market; and
                            took apart countless electronic devices, such as Nintendo
                            Game Boys, TV set-top boxes and remote controls. 

                            The reason for this free-form exploration of Nintendos and
                            other consumer electronic devices was to find a way for the
                            appliances to talk to each other. The team discovered early
                            on that electronic devices such as VCR's, laser disc players,
                            and stereos were all made with different CPU's. Thus if a
                            manufacturer wanted to add functions or features to a TV
                            or VCR, they were stuck because they were limited by what
                            the hardware and its wired-in programming would allow
                            them to do. This, coupled with the fact that the chips used by
                            many of these devices were limited in program space,
                            suggested a fresh approach to software programming that
                            might be a key to enabling innovation in this product space. 

                            The team's efforts kicked off the development of a new
                            object-oriented programming language that Gosling called
                            Oak, after the tree outside his window. Loosely based on
                            C++, the language was stripped down to a bare minimum in
                            order to be compatible with the limited space the chips in
                            handheld devices would offer, and was designed to allow
                            programmers to more easily support dynamic, changeable

                                           As work on Oak continued, the Green team
                                           conducted extensive research into how and why
                                           people were attracted to certain video games
                                           and how they interacted with various kinds of
                            electronic equipment. After collecting their research data,
                            the team developed a handheld, remote-control-like device
                            with a tiny visual interface. The device, dubbed "*7",
                            featured an animated character named "Duke" who helped
                            guide users through the easy-to-use, image rich, graphical
                            interface remote control. Central to the design of the *7 was
                            the conviction that the interface must be engaging and fun
                            to use, and that the device itself must be a small, personal
                            artifact. "Duke," created by Joe Palrang, would go on to
                            become Java's mascot. 

                            Sun turned the Green team into a wholly owned company
                            called First Person. The new Operating Company had an
                            interesting concept but still no idea what to do with it. After
                            struggling to come up with a marketable idea, the company
                            decided to pursue the interactive television market that
                            seemed to be emerging. 

                            A deal with Time-Warner to create set-top boxes fell
                            through at the last minute. Another potential deal with
                            3DO was scrapped when that company's chief executive
                            wanted exclusive rights to the technology. Thus First
                            Person's foray into creating set-top boxes for
                            video-on-demand fizzled. 

                            The company's fortune's changed in 1993 when the
                            National Center for Supercomputing Applications
                            introduced Mosaic, and the World Wide Web was born.
                            More web technology soon followed, and the Internet,
                            formerly a home only to computer scientists and educators,
                            began to bustle with traffic. 

                            In early 1994 the First Person team recommended focusing
                            its limited resources on a software system for online
                            multimedia. Bill Joy took that initiative further by
                            positioning Oak as a "language based operating system" and
                            took up Naughton's suggestion to give it away in source form
                            on the Internet. The Oak language itself became the
                            product, instead of part of a device. Arthur van Hoff wrote
                            an Oak compiler entirely in Oak instead of in C. Naughton
                            and Jonathan Payne built an Oak-ready browser called
                            "WebRunner." The first applet -- Duke waving back at his
                            parents over the Internet -- was born. 

                            Sun backed the decision to give the language away, but not
                            before renaming it Java. Much has been made of the now
                            famous name but consider the fact that it could have been
                            called Neon, Lyric, Pepper or Silk. 

                            With Java in the hands of the Internet community at large,
                            all that was needed was a way to run Java applets.
                            "WebRunner" was renamed the HotJava browser because of
                            a trademark conflict. Then, Netscape began supporting
                            Java. Now millions are Java-ready, and Duke has never
                            looked back. 

                            So what exactly is Java? 

                            It is commonly thought of as a way to make Web pages sexy
                            -- incorporating stock tickers, sound or video into Web
                            pages. It has evolved into much more. It is becoming known
                            as a computing platform -- the base upon which software
                            developers can build applications. Developers can build a
                            variety of applications using Java -- traditional
                            spreadsheets and word processors in addition to mission
                            critical applications used by the biggest companies:
                            accounting, asset management, databases, human resources
                            and sales. 

                            Java applications, or applets, are different from ordinary
                            applications in that they reside on the network in
                            centralized servers. The network delivers the applet to your
                            system when you request them. For example, let's say that
                            you want to check your personal financial portfolio. You'd
                            dial in to your financial institution and use your Web
                            browser to log into the bank's system. The portfolio data will
                            be shipped to you along with the applet needed to view it.
                            Let's assume that you're considering moving your money
                            from one account to another. No need to perform a series of
                            cut-and-paste exercises. The system will also send you an
                            applet that will allow you to change the rate of interest and
                            length of investment to perform a series of "what-if"

                            From the corporations' point-of-view, Java will simplify
                            the creation and deployment of applications thus saving
                            money. Applications created in Java can be deployed
                            without modification to any computing platform, thus
                            saving the costs associated with developing software for
                            multiple platforms. And because the applications are stored
                            on centralized servers, there is no longer a need to have
                            people insert disks or ship CD's to update software. 

                            So what will the future hold for companies and their use of
                            Java? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain -- it's
                            unlikely that letters such as the one written by Patrick
                            Naughton complaining about multiple and incompatible
                            software APIs will ever need to be sent again.