///File Complex.cc---not shown in the lecture notes. By KWR for CSE250. ///Implementation of the two methods declared but not defined in Complex.h. #include ///no harm including twice... #include #include "Complex.h" double Complex::norm() const { return sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy); } Complex Complex::operator+(Complex y) const{ return Complex(xx+y.xx, yy+y.yy); } /// Test-code driver file---but whereas every Java class can (and should!) /// have a method "public static void main(String[] args)" with test code, /// multiple "main"s floating in "file scope" would clash in C++. int main() { //Complex a,b = Complex(1.0,1.0); ///does not initialize a! Complex a(1.0,1.0); ///a initialized to 1+i. Complex b = a; ///uses automatic "Complex::operator=" Complex* cp = new Complex(-2.0,1.0); ///c is a pointer to i-2 a = a + b + (*cp); cout << "The x-coordinate of the sum is: " << a.getxx() << endl; }