/** File "stringstreamTest.cpp", by KWR for CSE250, Spring 2013. Illustrates a case where you might use a stringstream to convert an int to a string. In C there is a function "itoa" to do this, but the "ostringstream" method shown here is more general---it works for any type for which an operator<< has been defined. (In C++ it is traditional to overload << rather than write "toString()" functions like in Java.) */ #include #include #include // #include //part of std:: namespace, but only in C++11 #include //yuck using namespace std; int randInt() { //std::default_random_engine mygen; //uniform_int_distribution distribution(1,600); //int result = distribution(mygen); int result = rand(); //works deterministically! return result; } int main() { string foostr = "Log("; int i = randInt(); ostringstream ossi; //value ossi << i; //string out = foostr + 3 + ")"; //Java; illegal in C++ string out = foostr + ossi.str() + ")"; //string out = foostr + ossthree.str() + ')'; //bad on some older compilers? cout << out << endl; }