CSE305, Spring 2023
Programming Languages
Course Organization
and Policies(Old version, rubric similar but languages different)
Language Resources
(old version)
Office Hours
- Regan: Mondays 3--4, Tuesdays 1--2pm, Thursdays 1--3pm
- Wang: Tuesdays 3--5pm (try Davis 338Y then 301)
- Juluri: Fridays noon--1pm, TA space (301 Davis)
- Sharma: Wednesdays 3--4pm, Capen 110 (note change)
(LEC) TuTh 11:00am--12:20pm in NSC 216
- (A1) [discontinued as capacity and schedules allow]
- (A2) Tue. 2:00--2:50pm in Alumni Hall 90
- (A3) Mon. 1:00--1:50pm in Norton 213
- (A4) Wed. 4:00--4:50pm in Capen 110.
Examinations (All "cumulative")
- Prelim I, in class on Thursday, March 16
(15% of grade).
- Prelim II, in class on Thursday, April 27
(15% of grade).
- Final Exam, Tuesday May 16, 11:45am--2:45pm (30% of grade)
- Programming assignments, written homework, and TopHat interaction 40%;
this includes 5% for attendance and participation.
Spring 2023 Assignments (none yet---will be accumulated here)
Assignment 1, with separate TopHat and written parts, due Thu. 2/23, 11:59pm
Assignment 2, due Sun. 3/5, 11:59pm
Assignment 3, due Tue. 3/14, 11:59pm
Assignment 4, due Thu. 4/6, 11:59pm
Assignment 5, due Sun. 4/16, 11:59pm
Assignment 6, due Thu. 4/20, 11:59pm
Assignment 7 (mini-project), due Fri. 5/12, 11:59pm
Assignment 8 (the last), also due Fri. 5/12, 11:59pm
Adds three essay questions (after two short Prolog problems) to the mini-project.
Practice Prelim I Exam
Practice Prelim II Exam
Practice Final Exam
Lecture Notes for Spring 2023
Week 1: Tue. & Thu.
Week 2: Tue. & Thu.
Week 3: Tue. & Thu. and Recitations
Week 4: Tue. & Thu. (recitations continue above slides with lists)
Week 5: Tue. & Thu. Recitation notes and code files: CSE305S23Week5Rec.pptx, Sorts.ml, bsts.ml
Week 6: Tue.. Recitation slides and code files: Mergesort.ml, BST0.ml
Week 7: Tue. (Thu. was Prelim I)
Week 8: Tue., Thu.
Week 9: Tue. & Thu., Recitation slides, other examples
Week 10: Tue. & Thu., Recitation slides, HW4(3) key,
modules version, extension version
Week 11: Tue. & Thu.
Week 12: Tue. (Thu. is Prelim II)
Week 13: Tue. & Thu.
Week 14: Tue. & (mostly) Thu.
Sample Programs(Also see ~regan/cse305/LANGUAGES on "timberlake".)
Required Reading
Main Textbook: Robert W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages. 12th edition preferred, 9--11 OK.
Other materials provided by instructors (will be free of charge).
Language instruction materials to be highlighted.
Piazza Page