Table of contents
  1. Bonus Opportunities
    1. Opportunity 1: Find problems with the website

Bonus Opportunities

We will update this page with opportunities for bonus points throughout the semester.

You can obtain up to 500 bonus points for the semester; every 100 bonus points gives you an additional 1% of your grade.

Opportunity 1: Find problems with the website

Send an email to both Atri and Kenny with any issues with the website, along with a proposed fix. Here’s a list of issues and how many points they are worth; if you find other issues not listed here we’ll determine points based on equivalence to one of the changes below! Note - points are first come, first serve- once someone notifies us of an issue, no one else can get points for pointing it out.

  • Typos: Each typo (with a correction) is worth 5 bonus points.
  • Wrong Content: E.g. we list a deadline incorrectly, or the points for an assignment don’t add up. Wrong Content corrections are worth 10 bonus points.
  • Clarifications: E.g. helping us to make a question more clear on an assignment. Clarifications are worth 10 bonus points.