Finale Event Details

Come see our students present their final projects!!

Finale Flyer


This is the combined homepage for the courses Rage Against the Machine: HIS 419/550 and ML and Society CSE 440/540. The course, like the homepage, is combined, and is taught as a semester-long Impossible Project!

Looking for more info about the Impossible Project approach to teaching?

Head here!

Important Links

On the left-hand side of the page, you’ll find a number of useful links. Make sure to take a look at all of them! But here is a list of some of the important ones:

  • The Impossible Project page is the place to go for all things about the Combined semester-long course project!
  • The Syllabus for ML and Society is the place to go for all things about ML-Soc course policy.
  • The Syllabus for RAGE is the place to go for all things about Rage course policy.
  • Off-site, we’ll be using Piazza for (combined) class-wide discussions.

Feedback is more than welcome!

If you have any feedback about the course content, please email them to Dalia, Kenny and/or Atri.

Prior versions

Note: Prior to Spring 2023, ML and Society was taught as a standalone course.


The development of the material in this course is supported by two Mozilla Responsible Computer Science awards as well as support from the UB Honors college faculty fellow program and the Center For Information Integrity at UB. Kenny Joseph is partially supported by NSF grant IIS-1939579 and IIS-2145051. Atri Rudra is partially supported by NSF grants CCF-1763481 and IIS-1939579 .

The support is gratefully acknowledged.