
Where to submit?

For all readings, you need to submit a reflection post on the Piazza discussion board the night before class.

All papers, including the Reflection Assignment due January 31st, should be emailed to Dalia.


All deadlines are at 11:59PM.

Paper Assignments

Paper format

All papers are 7 pages, excluding footnotes and bibliography.

Paper 1 (due February 24th)

Define white supremacy as a problem and discuss historical resistance practices to white supremacy that can serve as inspiration for us today. As we reprise practices from the past, what are the pitfalls that we may encounter? Please be sure to include direct citations to our class readings. This paper will be graded on depth of engagement with the course materials and with class discussions.  

Paper 2 (due March 16th)

Define white supremacy as a problem and discuss historical resistance practices to white supremacy that can serve as inspiration for us today. As we reprise practices from the past, what are the pitfalls that we may encounter? Please be sure to include direct citations to our class readings. This paper will be graded on depth of engagement with the course materials and with class discussions.

Paper 3 (Due April 13th)

Define white supremacy as a problem and discuss historical resistance practices to white supremacy that can serve as inspiration for us today. As we reprise practices from the past, what are the pitfalls that we may encounter? Please be sure to include direct citations to our class readings. This paper will be graded on depth of engagement with the course materials and with class discussions.  

Readings for RAGE


January 31st is different, in that you must submit a Reflection Assignment via email. All other readings require a piazza discussion board post.

January 31

Reflection Paper Prompt [2 points, 2 pages]:

What is Potential History and how does it differ from the way in which you have been taught to think about history? Feel free to quote the text in support of your answer. [2 points]

UNIT 1: The origins of white supremacy and the tool of “refusal”

February 5: Problems

February 7: Problems

February 12: Approaches

February 14: Approaches 

UNIT 2: The science of race and the tool of “undoing”

February 26: Problems

February 28: Problems

March 4: Approaches

March 6: Approaches

March 27: Problems

April 1: Problems

April 3: Approaches

April 15: Approaches

  • Caraballo Muller, “The Impossible Project, A Utopian Pedagogy for a Dystopian Moment” in Utopian Imaginings: Saving the Future in the Present. [Forthcoming 2024]. PDF provided by Dr. Muller.
  • belle hooks, Teaching to Transgress [PDF TBD] and “Imagination” in Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom.  ​

Finale UNIT: Seeding a just future

  • TBD