News Library
Published on March 7, 2000
Author: FRED
News Business Reporter
© The Buffalo News Inc.
On the Internet it's easy
to surf globally, harder to act locally.
Search Yahoo! for "child
care" and "Western New York," for instance, and you'll turn
up a center on Long Island that happens to have a Web presence.
That doesn't mean Buffalo's invisible on the Internet. They're
out there, sites with local information about everything from child care to
dining, hospital report cards to auctions of local goods. But many of them are
on a Web less traveled, where they languish in obscurity because of scant
promotion or a hard-to-remember address.
To help cut the global computer
network down to size, here are 10 untrampled sites rich in local content.
Computer systems administrators, Internet service providers and other area
cybernauts contributed their discoveries.
http://rin.buffalo.edu -- With
8,000 pages, the Regional Information Network is the mother-lode of Western New
York Web directories, but it's hampered by a slow access times during the
day. Search by area or subject for government or community services. Operations
Director Olivia Arditi doesn't think RIN's 500 daily users are
enough. A faster server to improve access should be in place in about a month,
she said. Another directory of community links is available at
www.nhqc.com -- How good is the care at your
hospital? Use this site to find out, operated by the Niagara Health Quality
Coalition. In addition to survey results on area health care providers,
there's a search engine for medical papers on what ails you. Bone up
before you talk to your doctor, NHQC executive director Bruce Boissonnault
recommends. The ad-free site is supported by state funds and private-sector
http://pages.ebay.com/Buffalo/index -- Internet auctions are
booming, but ever try to ship a sofa UPS? Go local from eBay's main web
page, www.ebay.com, to connect with area buyers and sellers and save shipping
fees. Cars and other oversized items are well represented. Another local
auction site, www.wnyauctions.com, is operated by local Internet service
provider Web Technologies. Few items were listed for sale last week, but it may
be worth checking on later.
www.cs.buffalo.edu/pub/WWW/restaurant.guide/intro -- This
independent restaurant guide by University at Buffalo computer science
professor Bill Rapaport lists area eateries by location, cuisine or
alphabetically. It includes his rating and diners' comments, some well
aged. It's heavy on selections near UB and in Buffalo, thinner in the
suburbs, Niagara County and beyond.
http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/collections/maps/buffmap.html This giant map of Buffalo and its neighborhoods is
deep within UB's library site, along with neighborhood descriptions,
history and pictures. Drawbacks: it can take a while to load and street names
aren't legible.
www.buffaloirish.com Sponsored by the Shannon Pub in
Amherst, this page has a collection of links to Hibernian cultural, shopping
and news content. www.rin.buffalo.edu/childcareOne of the RIN sites, this baby
has a searchable directory of area child care providers and other information
for parents. "It's on our site but nobody knows about it,"
RIN's Arditi said. Another site, at www.ccmserve.com/ operated by
consultant Child Care Management Services, provides its own listing plus
classified ads and tips on choosing a center.
http://freenet.buffalo.edu/~roots/ Roots won't tell you who your ancestors
are, but the Buffalo Genealogy Forum is a place to start for family tree
research. Resources in the area are many, but genealogical research means
actually leaving the computer screen and looking up records on paper, Roots
http://becpla.buffalolib.org/ This cryptic address takes you to
the search page for the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library. The Beacon
search system is hardly a secret for regular library visitors, but might be
overlooked by others. Check it before you head out the door -- the book you
want may be signed out at the downtown library but available at a branch. The
search is a click away from the library's main page, www.buffalolib.org.
http://freenet.buffalo.edu/~af482/indexl Want more? Here's a links
page to other less-traveled local sites, including a live Web-cam trained on
Niagara Square and a "You know you're from Buffalo if . . ."
Know a locally oriented site that deserves to be bookmarked? Click
will run a list of Web sites of local interest as they are compiled. E-mail
suggestions to click@buffnews.com
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