CSE ABET Preparation Task Force Committee
CSE ABET Preparation Task Force
Email Alias: cse-abet@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Kenneth Joseph
- Members: Carl Alphonce, Matthew Hertz, Naeem Maroof, Shamsad Parvin
CSE Alumni and Community Outreach Committee
Email Alias: cse-alumni-community-outreach@buffalo.edu
- Chair: David Doermann
- Members: Carl Alphonce, Chunming Qiao, Nalini Ratha, Atri Rudra
CSE Colloquium + UpBeat Committee
One faculty member and two graduate students, schedules colloquia for the Department. The committee draws up speakers' schedules and makes arrangements, including social activities.
Email Alias: cse-colloquium@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Haonan Lu
- Members: Sai Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Kimberly Lewis, Chen Wang, Yaxiong Xie, Qianchuan Ye, Zhuoyue Zhao
CSE Cooperation and Promotion Committee
CSE Cooperation and Promotion committee.
Email Alias: cse-cooperation@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Karthik Dantu
- Members: David Doermann, Mingchen Gao, Siwei Lyu, Maria Rodriguez, Atri Rudra
CSE Distinguished Speaker Committee
Email Alias: cse-dss@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Shambhu Upadhyaya
- Members: Andrew Hirsch, Nalini Ratha, Jinjun Xiong
CSE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Email Alias: cse-dei@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Ifeoma Nwogu
- Members: Marina Blanton, Xiangyu Guo, Tevfik Kosar, Naeem Maroof
CSE Documentation Governance Committee
CSE Documentation Governance Committee
Email Alias: cse-doc@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Kenneth Regan
- Members: Hongxin Hu, Kelin Luo, Bina Ramamurthy, Jinhui Xu
CSE EIP Faculty Search Task Force Committee
CSE Empire Innovation Professor (EIP) faculty search task force.
Email Alias: cse-eip@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Chunming Qiao
- Members: David Doermann, Nalini Ratha, Rohini Srihari, Jinjun Xiong
CSE Executive Committee
Coordinates the administrative activities of the department. It consists of the Department Chair, the Associate Department Chairs, the Director of Graduate Admissions, the Director of Graduate Studies, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Administration, the Director of Information Technology, and the immediate past Department Chair.
Email Alias: cse-exec@buffalo.edu
- Chair: David Doermann
- Members: Hongxin Hu, Oliver Kennedy, Tooba Khilji, Matthew Knepley, Christian Miller, Kris Schindler, Wenyao Xu, Junsong Yuan, Lukasz Ziarek, Jaroslaw Zola
CSE Explore Committee
CSE Explore youth program with the aims of providing students with exposure to diverse aspects of engineering and computing. CSE-xplore aims to support student confidence and interest to explore a future in computing and engineering fields.
Email Alias: cse-explore@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Sai Roshan Ayyalasomayajula
- Members: Asif Imran, Kaiyi Ji, Haonan Lu, Zhuoyue Zhao
CSE Faculty Evaluation and Awards Committee
Email Alias: cse-faculty-awards@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Wenyao Xu
- Members: David Doermann, Tevfik Kosar, Zhuoyue Zhao
CSE Graduate Admissions Committee
Email Alias: cse-grad-adm@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Junsong Yuan
- Vice Chairs: Kaiyi Ji, Zhuoyue Zhao
- Members: Sai Roshan Ayyalasomayajula, Haipeng Cai, Changyou Chen, Sreyasee Das Bhattacharjee, Mostafa Mohammed, Bina Ramamurthy, Ramalingam Sridhar, Jinhui Xu, Qianchuan Ye
CSE Graduate Admissions Automation Committee
Email Alias: cse-grad-adm-auto@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Marina Blanton
- Members: Changyou Chen, David Doermann, Zhanpeng Jin, Christian Miller
CSE Graduate Affairs + Graduate Student Awards Committee
The Director of Graduate Studies (as chair), other faculty members (appointed by the Chairman of the Department), and graduate students (elected by the CSEGSA). The chairman of this committee supervises all graduate student programs and advisement, including monitoring degree progress, appointing doctoral committees, and promulgating policies about RA, TA, and GA duties. This committee establishes graduate degree and admissions requirements, graduate course offerings and content, and other related matters. It also reviews graduate applications and decides whom to admit.
Email Alias: cse-gac@buffalo.edu
- Chairs: Oliver Kennedy, Matthew Knepley
- Members: Sreyasee Das Bhattacharjee, Thomas Hayes, Zhanpeng Jin, Ifeoma Nwogu, Shambhu Upadhyaya
CSE Graduate Program Assessment Committee
Email Alias: cse-grad-pa@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Mingchen Gao
- Members: Kenneth Joseph, Oliver Kennedy, Chen Wang, Qianchuan Ye
CSE Grievance Committee
Email Alias: cse-grievance@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Ramalingam Sridhar
- Members: Xiangyu Guo, Thomas Hayes, Russ Miller, Kenneth Regan, Jinhui Xu
CSE Hospitality Committee
CSE Hospitality Committee
Email Alias: cse-hospitality@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Shamsad Parvin
- Members: Deanna Abdellatif, Yorah Bosse, Kaiyi Ji, Vishnu Lokhande, Mostafa Mohammed
CSE Internships Committee
- Chair: Zhanpeng Jin
- Members: Baker Albahri, Alan Hunt, Vishnu Lokhande, A. Erdem Sariyuce
CSE Ladder Faculty Search Committee
Email Alias: cse-faculty-search@buffalo.edu
- Chairs: Siwei Lyu, Atri Rudra
- Members: Changyou Chen, Karthik Dantu, Andrew Hirsch, Hongxin Hu, Kaiyi Ji, Matthew Knepley, Kenneth Regan, A. Erdem Sariyuce, Jinhui Xu
CSE Personnel Committee
- Chair: David Doermann
- Members: Tooba Khilji
CSE Promoting Academic Integrity Committee
Email Alias: cse-pai@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Ethan Blanton
- Members: Carl Alphonce, Oliver Kennedy
CSE Public Relations and Communications Committee
Email Alias: cse-communications@buffalo.edu
- Chair: David Doermann
- Members: Tooba Khilji, Christian Miller, Edward Sobczak, Wenyao Xu, Junsong Yuan
CSE Strategic Planning Committee
Email Alias: cse-strategic-planning@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Tevfik Kosar
- Members: Russ Miller, Chunming Qiao, Rohini Srihari, Shambhu Upadhyaya, Jinjun Xiong, Lukasz Ziarek
CSE Student Engagement and Experiential Learning Committee
Email Alias: cse-seel@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Alan Hunt
- Members: Karthik Dantu, David Doermann, Jesse Hartloff, Asif Imran, Alina Vereshchaka, Chen Wang, Jaroslaw Zola
CSE Teaching Effectiveness + TA Training Committee
Email Alias: cse-teach@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Paul Dickson
- Members: Nasrin Akhter, Kenneth Joseph, Russ Miller, Ifeoma Nwogu, Atri Rudra, Alina Vereshchaka
CSE Teaching Load Task Force Committee
Email Alias: cse-tltf@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Carl Alphonce
- Members: Oliver Kennedy, Bina Ramamurthy, Alina Vereshchaka, Jaroslaw Zola
CSE Teaching Profs Search Committee
Email Alias: cse-teaching-profs-search@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Eric Mikida
- Members: Nasrin Akhter, Carl Alphonce, Kelin Luo, Shamsad Parvin
CSE Undergraduate Affairs + Undergraduate Student Awards Committee
The Director of Undergraduate Studies (as chair), other faculty members (appointed by the Chairman of the Department), and undergraduate students (elected by the Computer Science Undergraduate Student Association). The Director of Undergraduate Studies supervises all undergraduate students' programs and advisement, including monitoring degree progress and disseminating information about undergraduate study. The committee supervises undergraduate degree and admissions requirements and undergraduate course offerings and content. It also reviews undergraduate applications and decides whom to admit.
Email Alias: cse-ugac@buffalo.edu
- Chairs: Kris Schindler, Lukasz Ziarek, Jaroslaw Zola
- Members: Ethan Blanton, Matthew Hertz, Kenneth Joseph, Mostafa Mohammed, Shelly Neumaier
CSE Undergraduate Program Assessment Committee
Email Alias: cse-ug-pa@buffalo.edu
- Chair: Matthew Hertz
- Members: Yorah Bosse, Thomas Hayes
SEAS Adjudication Committee
SEAS Faculty Awards Committee
- Members: Nalini Ratha, Wenyao Xu
SEAS Promotion Committee
SEAS Qualified Rank Promo Committee
SEAS Tenure Committee
- Members: Karthik Dantu, Nalini Ratha
UB Adjudication Pool Committee