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WEEK OF                                     TOPICS                                                                                       MATERIAL

1/20,22            Introduction: major components of CS2; blending math, science
                          and engineering; plans for the course; expectations; responsibilities;
                          Review of Java fundamentals                                                                                         Ch.1, notes
1/25,27,29      Problem solving techniques and software engineering concepts;
                         Object-oriented modeling and design; classes, data, behavior; message
                         passing                                                                                                                                 Ch.2, notes
2/1,3                OOP and Java concepts: inheritance,
                          interface, implementation, application and extensibility; Object class,
                          toString and other common methods                                                                          notes
2/5,8,10,12     Linked data representation: pointers/reference in Java; linked list:
                         behaviors: insert, delete, search node; variations in linked list                              Ch.3
2/15,17,19      Recursion: basic principles; applications; efffect on running times                      Ch.4
2/22,24,26      Modularity and Data abstraction: Abstract Data Types (ADTs), priority
                         queue ADT, Java support in packages, interfaces and implementations             Ch.5
3/1                   EXAM 1                                                                                                                              Ch.1 to Ch.5
3/3,5,15,17     Linear Data Structures: Stacks and queues: definition, implementations;
                         Study Java API's version; applications                                                                         Ch.6
3/19,22,24,26 Lists, Strings, Dynamic memory allocation; Java stringBuffer; garbage
                          collection and handling memory allocation failure                                                   Ch.7
3/29,31,4/2     Non-linear data structures: Trees: Expression tree, binary tree,
                          traversals, special algorithms; AVL trees, tries; Graphs: flow graphs, graph
                          search and applications; Priority queues and heap                                                     Ch.8
4/5                    EXAM 2                                                                                                                               Ch.6 to Ch.8
4/7,9,12,14     (continue)trees and graphs; Hashing and Table ADT                                               Ch.9
4/16,19,21,23  Analysis of algorithms; sorting algorithms; Big-O notation                                  Ch.10
4/16,19,21,23  Transition to C++; Java advanced concepts; component programming;
                           javabeans                                                                                                                              notes
5/3                     Review for final exam

Miscellaneous Topics: Effective solution design, style factors, good programming practices, ethical issues and human factors will be covered throughout the semester.

Bina Ramamurthy

Fri Jan 22 12:18:35 EST 1999