October 6 by Bina
October 18, 2017, 9-9.50 AM, during class time.
Please bring
Pencils, pens and erasers.
This is a closed book exam.
No make up exam will be given.
Topics for questions
- C Programming language; Scanf, printf, functions, DCAS lab1 material, Build files: Makefile
- Realtime system scheduling: Rate monotonic scheduling; earliest deadline scheduling
- Priority scheduling: Priority inversion and solution in priority inheritance
- Designing a cyclic executive schedule given n tasks and their characteristics
How to study?
Look at the classnotes.
Study the code. Where is the code?
Here it is.
How do you work with the code? Copy the code into your home directory on timberlake. Compile and execute. Modify and understand the working.
For the other questions, refer to
lecture notes and
classnotes posted.