CSE 703 Knowledge Bases and Ontologies
Registration #23831
Dr. Jan Chomicki, Professor
Time and location
Tue 5:15-8:00pm, Davis 338A.
Class page
As a reference and a source of topics I recommend Handbook on Ontologies 2nd edition, edited by Staab and Studer, Springer, 2009. Handbook on Ontologies, 2nd ed., is available through Springer Link. The paper copy in the library is of the 1st edition.
You may need to reload the handbook page. To set up the proxy server go to:
Preliminary list of papers/topics to be covered:
- F. Suchanek et al: Yago - A Core of Semantic Knowledge, WWW 2007.
- J. Hoffart et al: YAGO2: A spatially and temporally enhanced knowledge base from Wikipedia, AI Journal, January 2013.
- Wolfram|Alpha.
- Ramachandran, Reagan, Goolsbey:
First-Orderized ResearchCyc :
Expressivity and Efficiency in a Common-Sense Ontology. 2005.
- Cali, Gottlob, Lukasiewicz.
A general Datalog-based framework for tractable query answering.
over ontologies. Journal of Web Semantics, 2012.
- Zhe Wang, Mahsa Chitsaz, Kewen Wang, Jianfeng Du.
Towards Scalable and Complete Query Explanation with OWL 2 EL Ontologies. CIKM 2015.
- Denaux et al:
Supporting domain experts to construct conceptual ontologies: A holistic approach. Journal of Web Semantics, 2011.
- Wu et al.: Probase: a probabilistic taxonomy for text understanding. 2012.
- Koubarakis et al.:
Building Virtual Earth Observatories Using
Ontologies, Linked Geospatial Data
and Knowledge Discovery Algorithms. OTM 2012.
- Shvaiko, Euzenat.
Ontology matching: state of the art and future challenges. IEEE TKDE, 2013.
- Cuenca Grau et al.:
Ontology Evolution Under Semantic Constraints. KR 2012.
- M. Kifer. Rule Interchange Format: The Framework. RR, 2008.
- Computer-Based Patient records
- Bettina Fazzinga et al.:
Semantic Web search based on ontological conjunctive queries. Journal of Web Semantics, 2011.
- M. Hildebrand et al.: The Role of Explicit Semantics in Search and Browsing, 2011.
- Prepare and present a talk based on one or more papers from the
current computer science literature (I will distribute the papers
and help with the presentation).
- Prepare a report based on the same material.
- Attend all the classes and participate in the discussions.
- Read each presented paper in advance and send in a brief critique before the presentation.
There will also be presentations by the instructor
and/or invited speakers.
Some knowledge of logic or knowledge representation is helpful.
The seminar is graded S/U and can be taken for 3 credits.
An implementation project is a possibility: see the instructor.