Systems Programming

UB Catalog information for CSE 220

This information is advisory only. The authoritative course description and requirements for a given semester are defined by the course syllabus.


This course is a required course in the 2018 and later curriculum. It covers low-level systems programming in userspace at the userspace/kernel boundary. Students will learn about the C programming language, system calls, memory management, threads, and concurrency.


Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Spring 2025

Current Offering: Spring 2019

Lecture MWF 13:00-13:50, Cooke 121
Lab A1:    T 10:00-12:00, Bell 340
A2:    T 12:00-14:00, Bell 340
A3:    M 18:00-20:00, Bell 340
A4:    R 10:00-12:00, Bell 340
A5:    R 12:00-14:00, Bell 340
A6:    W 19:00-21:00, Bell 340
A7:    F 08:00-10:00, Bell 340
A8:    M 14:00-16:00, Bell 340
Office Hours M 10:00-12:00
W 15:00-16:00
TA Office Hours M 12:00-13:00, Davis Hall (Andy, Pururva)
M 15:00-16:00, Davis Hall (Arody, Jake)
T 09:00-10:00, Davis Hall (Peter)
T 10:00-12:00, Davis Hall (Chinmayee)
T 13:00-14:00, Davis Hall (Arody)
T 14:00-16:00, Davis Hall (Kyle)
T 13:00-15:00, Davis Hall (Bryan, Sofiya)
W 12:00-13:00, Davis Hall (Andy)
W 14:00-16:00, Davis Hall (Chinmayee, Sofiya, Vikram)
R 10:00-11:00, Davis Hall (Peter)
R 12:00-14:00, Davis Hall (Richard)
R 15:00-16:00, Davis Hall (Bryan)
R 17:00-18:00, Davis Hall (Chinmayee, Jake)
F 11:00-13:00, Davis Hall (Pururva, Vikram)
F 14:00-15:00, Davis Hall (Stephen)


The course syllabus is here.


Introduction (pdf) 2018-01-28
Introduction to C (pdf) 2018-02-01
Variables, Strings, and Loops (pdf) 2019-02-04
Variables, Strings, and Loops continued 2019-02-06
Integers and Integer Representation (pdf) 2019-02-08
Integers and Integer Representation continued 2019-02-11
Integers and Integer Representation continued 2019-02-13
Integers and Integer Representation continued 2019-02-15
Conditionals and Control Flow (pdf) 2019-02-18
Conditionals and Control Flow continued 2019-02-20
Memory and Pointers (pdf) 2019-02-22
Memory and Pointers continued 2019-02-25
Memory and Pointers continued 2019-02-27
Memory Allocation (pdf) 2019-03-01
Memory Allocation continued 2019-03-04
Aggregate Data Types (pdf) 2019-03-06
Aggregate Data Types continued 2019-03-08
The Compiler and Toolchain (pdf) 2019-03-11
Midterm Examination 2019-03-13
The Compiler and Toolchain continued 2019-03-15
The Compiler and Toolchain continued 2019-03-25
Pointers and Data Representation (pdf) 2019-03-27
Pointers and Data Representation continued 2019-03-29
Floating Point Revisited (no slides) 2019-04-01
Functions and Automatic Variables (pdf) 2019-04-03
Functions and Automatic Variables continued 2019-04-05
Functions and Automatic Variables continued 2019-04-08
The Dynamic Allocator (pdf) 2019-04-10
The Dynamic Allocator continued 2019-04-12
Programming Practices (pdf) 2019-04-15
Programming Practices continued 2019-04-17
Bitwise Operations (pdf) 2019-04-19
Processes, Threads, and Concurrency (pdf) 2019-04-22
Races and Synchronization (pdf) 2019-04-24
Races and Synchronization continued 2019-04-26
Races and Synchronization continued 2019-04-29
POSIX Threads and Synchronization (pdf) 2019-05-01
Guest Lecture (Arody Deleon) 2019-05-03
POSIX Threads and Synchronization continued 2019-05-06
Memory and Concurrency (pdf) 2019-05-08


Introduction to Git (pdf) 2019-01-28
Introduction to Make (pdf) (slides) 2019-02-04
Lab Exam 1 2019-02-11
Introduction to GDB (pdf) 2019-02-18
Testing 2019-02-25
Lab Exam 2 2019-03-04
Pointer Math 2019-03-25
Untabify 2019-04-01
Lab Exam 3 2019-04-08
Dynamic Allocator Assistance 2019-04-15
Bit Strings 2019-04-22
Implementing Mutexes with Compare-and-Swap 2019-04-29
Lab Exam 4 2019-05-06


AI Quiz 2019-02-08 23:59:00 (extended)
PA0: Command-Line Calculator 2019-02-11 23:59:00 (extended)
PA1: Conway’s Game of Life 2019-02-22 23:59:00
PA2: Doubly-linked List 2019-03-08 23:59:00
PA3: Instant Messenger 2019-04-05 11:59:00
PA4: Dynamic Allocator 2019-04-26 23:59:00
PA5: Semaphores and Producer-Consumer Queues 2019-05-10 00:00:00


Students are expected to have a solid grasp of simple data structures (such as lists and arrays) and some programming experience. (CSE 116 or equivalent experience.)


There are two texts for this course:

  • Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition, by Randal Bryant and David O’Hallaron.

  • The C Programming Lanuage, Second Edition, by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.

Both of these books are truly excellent, and I recommend that you consider buying a copy to keep for your career.


The ultimate authority for course policies is the course syllabus. However, my general academic integrity policy can be found here and my list of policies is here


The topics to be covered in this course include:

  • The C programming language
  • Compiler and linker invocation and their roles in program development
  • Version control, build, and other systems
  • Representation of in-memory data structures
  • Memory management
  • The kernel/userspace boundary and the system call interface
  • Threads
  • Synchronization primitives and concurrency

Course Structure

The primary deliverables for this course are weekly labs and several larger projects. Labs will consist of short exercises intended to deepen student understanding of course material (and perhaps cover background material for course projects), and will be evaluated in-lab. Course projects will be C language implementations of concepts discussed in class. Projects and labs will make up at least 50% of the final course grade, with the remainder being quizzes and exams.

There are no graded homeworks for this course. Written homework assignments may be given to help students understand the material, and any material covered in homeworks may appear on exams or quizzes, but such assignments will not be directly evaluated.

Programming Assignments

All projects for this course must be implemented in C and compile and run correctly on the course-provided virtual machine image. Students will be expected to use version control and appropriate build tools (such as make) to manage their projects.

Virtual Machine

The virtual machine image can be downloaded here.

Ethan Blanton
Assistant Professor of Teaching

Ethan Blanton is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Buffalo.