Using DFS to compute distance mistake
While BFS does indeed compute distance from the start vertex $s$ to all other vertices, DFS does not. This note gives an example to illustrate this common mistake.
The distance between two node
is the length of the shortest path betweens
Computing Distance
We begin with the problem we want to solve:
Computing Distance
Input: A graph $G=(V,E)$ and a start vertex $s\in V$.
Output: For all vertices $t$ in the connected component of $s$, output the distance between $s$ and $t$.1
As we have seen, we can solve the above problem using BFS. Here is the algorithm statement:
BFS based distance computing algorithm
\\Input: G=(V,E) and s in V Run BFS on G with start vertex s and let T be a BFS tree for(every t in connected component of s) { dist[t]= ComputeDist(s, t, T); } return dist;
Note that in the above ComputeDist(s, t, T)
computes the distance between s
and t
in the tree T
. This can be easily be done if e.g. the BFS tree T
produced by the BFS has all the edges pointing towards the root s
. Finally, the correctness of the algorithm above follows from (3.3) on page 80 in the textbook.
Why not DFS?
Given that DFS and BFS were equivalent in exploring the graph (and e.g. computing connected component), it is natural to propose the following "algorithm" to compute distances
DFS based distance computing "algorithm"
\\Input: G=(V,E) and s in V Run DFS on G with start vertex s and let T be a DFS tree for(every t in connected component of s) { dist[t]= ComputeDist(s, t, T); } return dist;
Not so fast...
It turns out that the "algorithm" above is incorrect. For example consider the following (undirected) graph $G=(\{A,B,C,D\}, \{(A,B), (B,C), (C,D), (D,A)\})$, i.e. this is a cycle with four nodes. Now let $s=A$. In this case the DFS will either go to $D$ first (in which case the algorithm above will output dist[B]=3
instead of the correct answer of $1$) or it will go to $B$ first )in which case the algorithm above will output dist[D]=3
instead of the correct answer of $1$.
It would be nice to illustrate the above example with an animation. This is on our TODO list and will happen (at some point).