On the Power of Ensemble: Supervised and

Unsupervised Methods Reconciled

Tutorial on SIAM Data Mining Conference (SDM), Columbus, OH, May 1 2010

Jing Gao, Wei Fan and Jiawei Han



Ensemble methods have emerged as a powerful method for improving the robustness as well as the accuracy of both supervised and unsupervised solutions. Moreover, as enormous amounts of data are continuously generated from different views, it is important to consolidate different concepts for intelligent decision making. In the past decade, there have been numerous studies on the problem of combining competing models into a committee, and the success of ensemble techniques has been observed in multiple disciplines, including recommendation systems, anomaly detection, stream mining, and web applications.

The ensemble techniques have been mostly studied in supervised and unsupervised learning communities separately. However, they share the same basic principles, i.e., combination of diversified base models strengthens weak models. Also, when both supervised and unsupervised models are available for a single task, merging all of the results leads to better performances. Therefore, there is a need of a systematic introduction and comparison of the ensemble techniques, combining the views of both supervised and unsupervised learning ensembles.

In this tutorial, we will present an organized picture on ensemble methods with a focus on the mechanism to merge the results. We start with the description and applications of ensemble methods. Through reviews of well-known and state-of-the-art ensemble methods, we show that supervised learning ensembles usually learn" this mechanism based on the available labels in the training data, whereas unsupervised ensembles simply combine multiple clustering solutions based on consensus". We end the tutorial with a systematic approach to combine both supervised and unsupervised models, and several applications of ensemble methods.


  • An overview of ensemble methods
    • Motivations
    • Tutorial overview
  • Supervised ensemble methods
    • Overview
    • Representative methods: Bagging, Boosting, Random Forests, Random Decision Tree
  • Unsupervised ensemble methods
    • Overview
    • Representative methods: Direct approach, Indirect approach (object-based, cluster-based, object-cluster-based), Generative Methods
  • Semi-supervised ensemble methods
    • Multi-view learning
    • Consensus maximization among supervised and unsupervised models
  • Applications
    • Transfer learning
    • Stream classification
    • Anomaly detection


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Last updated: May 2010

