CSE 431/531 Analysis of Algorithms |
Office: 315 Davis Hall
Regular office hours: Fri.
11:00 - 11:50am
Phone: (716) 645-4734
E-mail: jinhui@buffalo.edu
Teaching Assistants :
Minghua Wang
Office hours: Mon. Wed.
11:00 - 11:50am
E-mail: minghuaw@buffalo.edu
Lecture: MWF, 9:10-10:00pm, online
Course web site: http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~jinhui/courses/cse531
Course forum: piazza
Required Texts:
Course Description:
This course introduces basic elements of the
design and analysis of computer algorithms. Topics include
asymptotic notations and analysis,
divide and conquer, greedy methods and
dynamic programming, basic graph
algorithms, NP-completeness, approximation algorithms, and
network flows analysis. For each topic, beside
in-depth coverage, one or more representative problems and
their algorithms shall be discussed.
In addition to the design and analysis
of algorithms, students are expected to gain substantial discrete
mathematics problem solving skills essential
for computer engineers.
Main Objective:
The exams will be closed-book, and closed-notes.
Academic Integrity Policy:
No collaboration, cheating, and plagiarism is allowed in homeworks, and exams. Those found violating academic integrity will get an immediate F in the course, and further actions, consistent with the Department's Academic Integrity Policy (page 35 of the graduate handbook) will be taken against them.