
  • [New Member] 11/2023 New Ph.D. student Hao Ban (BS and MS from Southeast University, China) will join our group in Spring 2024. Welcome, Hao!

  • [Publication] 09/2023 Five papers accepted in NeurIPS 2023 with one spotlight presentation! The topics span over Hessian-free bilevel optimization, federated learning, continual learning and multi-objective learning. Big congratulations to my students Yifan, Peiyao and Hao, and many thanks to my collaborators!

  • [Talk] 06/2023 Gave an invited talk on bilevel optimization and continual learning at SIAM Conference on Optimization.

  • [Award] 02/2023 Selected as Top Reviewer in AISTATS 2023.

  • [Manuscript] 01/2023 A manuscript on fair resource allocation over communication network is available online: Network Utility Maximization with Bilevel Learning. We propose a new distributed data-driven bilevel optimization approach for network utility maximization with unknown user utilities!

  • [Service] 10/2022 Will serve as TPC member of ACM MobiHoc 2023. Please consider submitting your best work to the conference!

  • [Talk] 10/2022 Gave an invited talk in the session “Bilevel Stochastic Methods for Optimization and Learning” at the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.