Current Courses

CSE 453
Hardware/Software Integrated Design II

CSE 379
Introduction to Microprocessors

EAS 198 Seminar
The Places You Will Go

Past Courses

CSE 530
Computer Communications

CSE 490/590
Computer Architecture

CSE 450
Hardware/Software Integrated Design I

CSE 453
Hardware/Software Integrated Design II

CSE 408/508
Programming with Python

CSE 379
Introduction to Microprocessors

CSE 380
Introduction to Microprocessors Lab

CSE 341
Computer Organization

CSE 241
Digital Systems

CSE 113
Introduction to Computer Science 1

CSE 111
Introduction to Quantative Analysis

CSE 101
Computers, A General Introduction

EAS 198
EAS 198 Semimnar: The Places You Will Go

UE 141
Discover Seminar: Adaptive & Assistive Technology for the Disabled