CSE 611 Masters Projects Course, Fall 2021
Instructor: Prof. Mike Buckley / 327 Davis Hall / email: mikeb@buffalo.edu
Office Hrs. Tuesday/Thursday 1 - 2 (via Zoom, for now)

CSE611 Course Syllabus: CSE611Syllabus.docx
Team Guidelines are in a document here: TeamGuidelines.docx  Please read it.

My ZOOM link: https://buffalo.zoom.us/j/9858068177?pwd=bmplWFJuUWVNWDRVODVQcXdyWVY3dz09

Announcement -
The culmination of the 611 experience is a showcase of all the projects that were done this semester at CSE Demo Day.  Demo day will be held on Friday, December 10th (the last day of classes) in the Davis Hall Atriums.  Each team will put together a poster outlining their project, and a two minute video promoting the project.  Teams will have a table set up to run live demos of their projects, and to answer questions from the judges and the public.  There will be judges from local industry, other departments on campus, and some of our faculty as well.  There will be cash (OK, Amazon gift cards) prizes for the top projects, as well as bragging rights!

The agenda for the event is as follows:

12:00 - Student setup
1:00 - Pizza arrives, teams can eat and network with sponsors
2:00 - Judging starts
4:00 - Judging ends
4:30 - Awards announced
5:00 - Event ends

For some examples of posters and videos from prior semesters, you can visit the "virtual space" from last spring's Demo Day

We're looking forward to seeing a lot of great projects!  If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.

Class Notes -

The full Fall 2021 Schedule is here (NEW as of 9/11/2021)Fall2021Schedule.xlsx
The Tuesday meeting schedule and Zoom links are here: TuesdaySchedule.xlsx
Projects and Teams:

Day 1 PowerPoint
Lecture for Tuesday 9/7: Requirements  ( please read Essay on Objects & Modeling )
Template for your requirements document: RequirementsTemplate.docx
Template for your design document:    DesignTemplate.docx
Template for your project schedules:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BR9RaThPEaA83yafmlVy2WHESqOypCw44Dd7x-Nuhlk/edit?usp=drive_open&ouid=107179122924930062760