As well as 338 Bell, there are workstations in 408 Fronczak, the Science & Engineering Library (second floor), and the Bell Hall satellite site. Ethernet access is available in dorm rooms. Telephone access, including PPP support, is available at up to 56kbps, and ISDN. In Erie county, the numbers are: 515-5600 = 28.8kbps; 515-5601 = ISDN; 515-5603 = 56kbps (v.90 and K56Flex). In L ockport the numbers are the same, but begin with 514. In Niagara county the numbers are the same, but begin with 513.
Your computer files containing class projects are your private property, and should be treated as such. Please keep it that way by keeping your files private, keeping your password secret, and frequently changing your password. Avoid using unimaginative passwords. It is your responsibility to prevent others from plagiarizing your work. You may be accused of aiding in academic dishonesty if you fail to keep your work private.