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CSE 562: Database SystemsSpring 2010
. | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
Lectures | . | 12:30 - 1:50pm 220 Natural Sciences Complex |
. | 12:30 - 1:50pm 220 Natural Sciences Complex |
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Recitations | 9:00 - 9:50am 337 Bell Hall |
. | 10:00 - 10:50am 214 Norton Hall |
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Instructor's Office Hours | . | 2:00 - 3:00pm 210 Bell Hall |
. | 2:00 - 3:00pm 210 Bell Hall |
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TA's Office Hours | . | . | 12:00 - 2:00pm 329 Bell Hall |
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The following is a tentative schedule of lectures.
Week | Tuesday Lecture |
Thursday Lecture |
Topic of Recitations |
1 | 01/11 | Introduction Slides |
Relational Algebra & SQL Slides |
No Recitations No Office Hours |
2 | 01/18 | Relational Algebra & SQL | More Relational Model Slides |
SQL Slides |
3 | 01/25 | Database Design Slides |
Hardware Slides |
SQL & PostgreSQL |
4 | 02/01 | Record and Block Organization Slides |
Indexing & B+ Trees Slides |
JDBC Slides |
5 | 02/08 | Project Phase 1 Discussion | Indexing & B+ Trees | Project Phase 1 Slides |
6 | 02/15 | Hashing & Other Indexes Slides |
Query Processing: Overview Slides |
Project Phase 1 |
7 | 02/22 | Query Processing: Algebraic Optimization Slides |
Query Processing: Cost Analysis Slides |
Indexing Slides |
8 | 03/01 | Query Processing: Physical Operators Slides |
Midterm | Indexing |
9 | 03/08 | No Lectures (Spring Recess) | No Recitations | |
10 | 03/15 | Query Processing: Physical Operators |
Project Phase 2 Discussion | Query Processing Slides |
11 | 03/22 | Midterm Discussion | Query Processing: Plan Enumeration & Selection Slides |
Project Phase 2 Slides |
12 | 03/29 | Recovery Slides |
Recovery | Query Processing Slides |
13 | 04/05 | Concurrency Control Slides |
Recovery Slides |
14 | 04/12 | Concurrency Control | More on Transaction Processing Slides |
Concurrency Control Slides |
15 | 04/19 | Final Preparation | Databases as a Service (DaaS) | Transaction Processing Slides |
Final | Thursday, April 29 2010 03:30 PM - 06:30 PM Knox 109 |
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You can work in teams of 2. Please email the instructor your name and the name of your teammate asap. You can use the newsgroup to find a teammate. Also, please read the rules and policies below and be aware that anti-plagiarism software will be used while grading your submissions.
From Database Systems: The Complete Book (Second Edition) by Garcia-Molina, Ullman, and Widom:
After Midterm
Zero tolerance on plagiarism/cheating: consult the University Code of Conduct for details on consequences of academic misconduct, and see also the academic integrity policy of the CSE department.
Project Rules
For coding assignments, if you use a piece of code which you borrowed from elsewhere and therefore did not write yourself, make sure you let the instructor and a TA know before you start using it.
Make-Up Policy
The request should be made sufficiently in advance of the test, for valid reasons. The make-up should be scheduled before the next class.
Late Submission Policy
The submissions are due at midnight on the due date. Submissions after the deadline but less than 24 hours late will be accepted but penalized 10%, and submissions more than 24 hours but less than 48 hours late will be penalized 25%. No submissions will be accepted more than 48 hours late. Exceptions will be made only for medical reasons. Questions about the grading have to be raised with a TA within a week after the graded assignment has been returned.
Grading Policies
Write clear arguments. Be neat and precise. Getting the right answer may not be enough. The derivation and quality of writing counts! Don't write many different things in hope that you'll get the points if one of them is the right one. Indeed, you will lose points if you follow such a policy.