Assistant Professor (incoming)
Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security
University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Room 3.110 One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249-3209 |
myFirstName dot myLastName dot edu |
I am an incoming assistant professor in the Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). My research is focused on studying current and emerging cybersecurity issues in online hate and offensiveness, security of AI/ML systems, and online privacy.
I received my Ph.D in CSE from the Unversity at Buffalo, SUNY in spring 2022, under the direction of Dr. Hongxin Hu. I have worked on various aspects of emerging cybersecurity threats such as cyberbullying, cyberharassment, online offensiveness, attacks and defenses of AI/ML models, and image privacy and security.
I will be joining the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Cybersecurity from Fall 2022.
I am actively looking for self-motivated students (PhD/Master/Undergraduate/Intern) to conduct research in online hate and offensiveness, AI/ML security (adversarial attacks, robustness, interpretability/explainability, privacy, and backdoors), crowdsourcing, and social media mining. Interested students please feel free to send me an email with your CV and transcript.
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- [Paper] 12/2021: One paper accepted at CODASPY 2022.
- [Service] 12/2021: I have been invited as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- [Media] 11/2021: Team Cacti Places 5th at Baidu Autodriving Capture the Flag Competition. Read More.
- [Paper] 10/2021: One paper accepted at the Journal of Hate Studies.
[Service] 10/2021: I will serve as a TPC member for ACSAC'21 Artifacts Evaluation Committee
- [Talk] 07/2021: I was invited as a guest speaker to give a talk on cyberbullying detection using deep learning at NC A&T State University on July 21st, 2021.
- [Service] 04/2021: I have been asked to serve as a sub-reviewer on DESRIST-2021 conference review committee.
- [Grant] 04/2021: Grant from Baylor University Research Committee ONE-URC Program (as Co-PI)
[Media] 03/2021:Our work on image-based cyberbullying published at NDSS 2021 has been showcased on the UB CSE homepage
[Service] 02/2021: I will be serving on the program committee of ACHI 2021
[Talk] 02/2021: I gave a talk on image-based cyberbullying at NDSS 2021 held in virtual format.
[Paper] 01/2021: Our work on image-based cyberbullying has been accepted at NDSS 2021. The paper acceptance rate at NDSS at this year was 15.2 percent or 87 out of 573
[Service] 01/2021: I will serve as a TPC member for CODASPY'21 Poster Program Committee
- [Service] 01/2020: I will be hosting the UB Cybersecurity Reading Group Meetings this semester (Spring 2021) at UB. We will discuss many interesting papers this semster on various fields of cybersecurity.