Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 24 Sep 2010

Last Update: 24 September 2010

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Index to all lecture notes
…Previous lecture

  1. §1.3: Predicates & Quantifiers (cont'd):
      Knowledge Representation & Translation (cont'd):

    1. Lots of examples:

      In the interest of completeness, here I repeat all of the examples from last time,
      and add some new ones.

      • "Dictionary" of predicates and terms (for use in the examples):

        Let Dog(x) = (x) is a dog
        Let Fish(x) = (x) is a fish
        Let Glitters(x) = (x) glitters
        Let Gold(x) = (x) is gold
        Let Mammal(x) = (x) is a mammal
        Let Man(x) = (x) is a man
        Let Pet(x) = (x) is a pet
        Let Wise(x) = (x) is wise
        Let mark-twain = Mark Twain
        Let sam-clemens = Samuel Langhorne Clemens (as in Clemens Hall)

      1. Mark Twain is wise = "Wise(mark-twain)"
      2. Mark Twain was a wise man = "Wise(mark-twain) ∧ Man(mark-twain)"

        • Note: The tense of "was" is ignored in FOL!

      3. Mark Twain is Samuel Langhorne Clemens = "mark-twain = sam-clemens"
      4. All dogs are pets = "∀x[Dog(x) → Pet(x)]"

      5. Some dogs are pets = "∃x[Dog(x) ∧ Pet(x)]"

          1. NOT:  "∃x[Dog(x) → Pet(x)]" !!!
            which is true about my cat!

            i.e., even if there were no dogs, but only cats, "∃x[Dog(x) → Pet(x)]" would be T,
            but the English would be false.

            See "On the Translation of ‘Some Dogs Are Pets’" for further explanation.

          2. Here's yet another explanation:

            1. Semantics for ∀x[Dog(x) → Pet(x)]:

              • Consider a giant grab-bag of everything in the universe
                (i.e., everything in the domain)
              • Pick any thing at random from the bag.
              • Is it a dog?
              • If not, then (Dog(x) → Pet(x)) has not been refuted;
                i.e., it has not (yet) been determined to have tval=F
                ∴ assume its tval=T, & continue for-loop through bag.

              • If it is a dog, then is it a pet?
              • If so, then tval=T else tval=F

            2. Semantics for ∃x[Dog(x) ∧ Pet(x)]:

              • Consider grab-bag of everything in univ.
              • Search in it for a dog.
              • If you find a dog, then tval=T
                  i.e., you found an x in the domain that is both a dog and a pet

                else continue searching for a dog

              • If you don't find any dogs, then tval=F

            3. Semantics for ∃[Dog(x) → Pet(x)]:

              • Consider grab-bag of everything in univ.
              • Search in it for a dog.
              • If you find a dog, then is it a pet?
              • If so, then tval=T else continue searching for a dog.
              • If you don't find any dogs, then tval=T (!)
                (because everything you found is not a dog,
                ∴ the antecedent's tval=F
                ∴ the conditional's tval=T (!)

          3. Some other versions of FOL use "restricted quantifiers":

            "Some dogs are pets" becomes:

              (∃x : Dog(x))[Pet(x)]

            where the "restriction" on x that Dog(x) is like a type declaration.

            "All dogs are pets" becomes:

              (∀x : Dog(x))[Pet(x)]

      6. No dogs are fish = ¬∃x[Dog(x) ∧ Fish(x)]

        • But this could also be represented as: ∀x[Dog(x) → ¬Fish(x)]

        • So which is "correct"? Both! They are logically equivalent.

      7. All dogs are not fish = ∀x[Dog(x) → ¬Fish(x)]

        • But: Shakespeare's "All that glitters is not gold" = ¬∀x[Glitters(x) → Gold(x)] !

      8. Some dogs are not pets = ∃x[Dog(x) ∧ ¬Pet(x)]
      9. No dogs are not mammals = ¬∃x[Dog(x) ∧ ¬Mammal(x)]

        • This is ≡ ∀x[Dog(x) → Mammal(x)]

      10. Not all dogs are pet = ¬∀x[Dog(x) → Pet(x)]

        • This is ≡ ∃x[Dog(x) ∧ ¬Pet(x)]

    2. For more examples (in slightly different notation), see "Representing English Sentences in FOL"

      For more suggestions on how to translate, see:

  2. §1.4: Nested Quantifiers: Propositional functions with ≥2 variables can have ≥2 quantifiers:

    1. Consider the propositional function "x > y":

      1. By itself, this is a propositional function (an "open sentence"), not a proposition
        (it has no tval)

      2. It can become a proposition (it can gain a tval) by:

        1. assigning constant values to both variables: "3 > 2"
        2. or by quantifying ("binding") both variables:

          • xy[x > y]

            • "Every number is > every number"
            • For all numerical domains (W,N,Z,R,C), this is false.

    2. xy[x > y] ≡ ∀yx[x > y]

      • and it is ≡ ∀yx[y > x]

      • and it is ≡ ∀xy[y > x]

        • I.e., the order of the same quantifiers doesn't matter.

    3. Ditto for: ∃xy[x > y]

      • "Some number is > some number"
      • For all numerical domains, this is true

    4. But consider: ∀xy[x > y]

      • "For every number, there is a number that it's > than"
      • This is true for Z
      • But false for N
        • because x=0 → ¬∃y[x > y]

      • When ∀ and ∃ quantifiers are mixed, their order does matter:

        1. Consider: ∃yx[x > y]

          • "There is a strictly smallest number"
          • For all numerical domains, this is false

        2. Consider: ∀yx[x > y]

          • "For every number, there's a number > it"
          • For all numerical domains, this is true

        3. Consider: ∃xy[x > y]

          • "There is a biggest number"
          • For all infinite numerical domains, this is false

    5. Uniqueness:

      "There is exactly one dog" can be represented as:

        x[Dog(x) ∧ ∀y[Dog(y) → y = x]]

      • I.e., There is (at least) one thing in the domain that is a dog,
        and, any (other) dog in the domain is identical to that one.

      • Sometimes, logicians abbreviate this (with the "E-shriek!" quantifier) as:


        (read "There is a unique x in the domain such that x is a dog".)

      1. The scope of "∃x" is [Dog(x) ∧ ∀y[Dog(y) → y = x]]

        … and I will tell you more about this on Monday

Next lecture…

Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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