Beyond Graduate School
Last Update: Saturday, 3 January 2015
material is highlighted
For further advice on success in your graduate program (and beyond),
CSE 501: Graduate Studies in Computer Science, Directory of Documents

Read this first!
Johnston, Matt (2014),
"Here's Exactly What a Hiring Manager Scans for When
Reviewing Resumes",
Business Insider (30 October).
Your resume (which is NOT the same
thing as an academic curriculum vita!!!!) should be NO LONGER

Be sure to read
"Lion's Watch Repair Business" (a parable)!
"Assembling Your Application Materials"
- This website, aimed at grad students in the geosciences,
has general advice on how to apply for academic jobs, with
links to info on:
- curriculum vitae
- teaching statement
- research interests
- letters of reference
- cover letter
- Bekey, George A. (1988?),
"The Assistant Professor's Guide to the Galaxy,
or How to Survive and Succeed in Academia"
Lehman, David (1989),
"With Tenure"
- A poem that originally appeared in the NY Review
of Books (16 Feb 1989).
- Trumbo, B.E., & Walker, Russell (1990),
"Applying for NSF Support:
Advice for Young Researchers",
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
37(7; September): 838-843.
- Not (yet) online, but in SEL at
QA1.N6 Per
Graham, Paul (2006),
"How to Do What You Love".
Johnson, Susan R. (2006),
"Code O: How to Recover from Overwhelm".
Kane, Suzanne Amador;
Laws, Kenneth
"Hunting for Jobs at Liberal Arts Colleges"
Physics Today
59(11) (November): 38-42.
- Recommended by Russ Miller. Despite the discipline
of the journal (physics) and titular subject matter
(jobs at liberal arts colleges), this contains useful
advice for computer scientists seeking academic
Neumann, Anna;
Terosky, Aimee LaPointe;
Schell, Julie
"The Balancing Act",
from the chapter
"Agents of Learning, Strategies for Assuming Agency, for Learning, in
Tenured Faculty Careers", in
Susan J. Bracken,
Jeanie K. Allen,
Diane R. Dean (eds.),
Gendered Perspectives in Faculty Roles and Work Lives
(Sterling, VA: Stylus).
- "Describes a strategy for maximizing professional
productivity by better linking teaching, research, and service."
McKinney, Mary,
"Becoming a successful academic takes more than
- Contains advice on
searching for a job, getting tenure, etc.
McKinney, Mary (2005),
The Tenure Track's Pandora's Box"
- "tips on developing collegial relationships with your colleagues"
Gray, Paul, & Drew, David E.
"What They Didn't Teach You in Graduate School",
Chronicle of Higher Education
(25 April): A40.
Jaschik, Scott (2008),
"Double Dipping in Conference Papers",
Inside Higher Ed (20 May).
Copyright © 2006-2015 by
William J. Rapaport