Subject: Re: Wegner From: "William J. Rapaport" Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 11:34:05 -0400 (EDT) A student wrote: "I am reading the article by Wegner, and he wrote that Milner, in 1975, noticed that concurrent processes cannot be expressed by sequential algorithms. But I thought that it was proven that sequential processing can simulate parallel processing. Am I mistaken?" I had mentioned that I asked my colleague Prof. Russ Miller, whose research area is parallel algorithms, about this. He tells me that > typically one assumes that a sequential simulation can be written for a > parallel computation, especially when considering pros and cons of Amdahl's Law. > In practice, however, simulation very much depends on > the parallel model of computation and the parallel algorithm itself. > For example, in terms of an apriori approach to simulation, > race conditions in shared memory systems cannot be > simulated sequentially, nor can data dependent computations. > Worse yet, is considering the entire computational system and not just > the algorithm running in isolation. For example, other jobs being run > on the machine, utilization of interconnection networks by other > users, and system resources, etc.