The Single Biggest Expense in your Lifetime

Did you know—your house is not the biggest expense of your lifetime. Neither is college for your kids. The biggest expense you’ll ever face is income taxes. And the minute you start thinking about income taxes as an expense—rather than just a fact of life—is the moment you’ll change your thinking about how you approach your taxes.

He who fails to plan, plans to fail

We’re Gilman Ciocia and all we think about are strategies to reduce your tax exposure. Not when its time to file but all year long. Because the simple truth with taxes is the less you plan, the more you pay. That’s why we believe that you should meet with your tax planner 4 times a year to make sure that every single investment or lifestyle event has the least possible effect on your taxes. It’s more affordable than you think.

Just fill out the coupon and select tax planning to set up an initial meeting with your Gilman Ciocia tax planner.

Mistakes Can Cost Make you Money

Second opinions – when it comes to our health we often seek out a second opinion and it should be no different with our money. Here is what a lot of people don’t know about their tax return: The IRS allows you to claim a refund up to 3 years from the date of your original return.

At Gilman Ciocia, we offer a free review of your previous three years’ tax returns and you only get charged if we prepare a corrected or amended return. It pays to have us take a look.

Just fill out the online coupon and select FREE review of your previous three years’ tax returns.

Filed an Extension?

You’re not alone. And if you file as a first time customer with Gilman Ciocia, we will give you 25% off of your tax preparation fee.

Just fill out the online coupon and select 25% off your tax preparation fee.

Financial Planning takes Teamwork

The wealthiest figured out long ago that the key to building and sustaining their wealth was passing it on to the next generation. Today, more than ever, this is true. The difference is that wealth management isn’t solely reserved for the wealthy.

If you don’t have a plan for yourself, you’ll be part of someone else’s

With Gilman Ciocia, you’ll have an entire team focused on your financial future. That’s right – an entire team – focused on implementing a sound, well thought out financial strategy to minimize your tax liabilities, maximize your investment returns and protect your families’ financial security. Tax planning, financial and estate planning and legal needs all addressed under one roof. We call it a comprehensive wealth management plan. And it’s more affordable than you think.

Learn more about how we can help you build wealth today for your generations tomorrow.

Print your online coupon now. Click the boxes below, fill out the form and hit submit.

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*For preparation of basic 1040 and state returns. First time clients only. Not to be combined with any other offer, non-negotiable, no cash value.