;	function: defn_verb
;	input:	a verb to be defined
;	output: predicate structure of , with categorization of arguments;
;		causal/enablement information; eventually to include primitive 
;		act of which  is a type (if any).
;	calls:  report_bitransitive, or report_transitive, or report_reflexive,
;		or report_intransitve, as appropriate.
;	NOTE: #3! is a macro which allows snepsul commands to be invoked from
;	      within lisp functions; obviates need for references to pkgs, etc.
(defun defn_verb (verb)
     (setq czs (cause verb))
     (setq efs (car (effect verb)))
     (cond (#3! ((deduce property (build lex "bitransitive")
			object (build lex ~verb)))
	    (report_bitransitive verb czs efs))
	   (#3! ((deduce property (build lex "transitive")
			object (build lex ~verb)))
	    (report_transitive verb czs efs))
	   (#3! ((deduce property (build lex "reflexive")
		 	object (build lex ~verb)))
	    (report_reflexive verb czs efs))
	   (t (report_intransitive verb czs efs))))

;	function: report_bitransitive
;	input: a verb to be defined
;	output: predicate structure of , with categorization of arguments;
;		causal/enablement information; eventually to include primitive 
;		act of which  is a type (if any).
;	calls:	categorize_subject, categorize_object, categorize_indobject,
;		cause, effect, (prim_base currently undefined)
(defun report_bitransitive (verb czs efs)
     (list 'a
           (categorize_subject verb)
	   'can verb 'a
           (categorize_object verb)
	   'to 'a
           (categorize_indobject verb)
	   'result= #3!((describe ~czs))
	   'enabled 'by= #3!((describe ~efs))
;	   (prim_base verb)

;	function: report_transitive
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: predicate structure of , with categorization of arguments;
;		causal/enablement information; eventually to include primitive 
;		act of which  is a type (if any).
;	calls:	categorize_subject, categorize_object, cause, effect, 
;		(prim_base currently undefined)
(defun report_transitive (verb czs efs)
     (list 'a
	   (categorize_subject verb)
	   'can verb 'a
           (categorize_object verb)
	   'result= czs
	   'enabled 'by= #3!((describe ~efs))
;	   (prim_base verb)

;	function: report_reflexive
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: predicate structure of , with categorization of arguments;
;		causal/enablement information; eventually to include primitive 
;		act of which  is a type (if any).
;	calls:	categorize_subject, cause, effect, 
;		(prim_base currently undefined)
(defun report_reflexive (verb czs efs)
     (list 'a
	   (categorize_subject verb)
           'can verb 'itself
	   'result= #3!((describe ~czs))
	   'enabled 'by= #3!((describe ~efs))
;	   (prim_base verb)

;	function: report_intransitive
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: predicate structure of , with categorization of argument;
;		causal/enablement information; eventually to include primitive 
;		act of which  is a type (if any).
;	calls:	categorize_subject, cause, effect, 
;		(prim_base currently undefined)
(defun report_intransitive (verb czs efs)
     (list 'a
	   (categorize_subject verb)
	   'can verb
	   'result= #3!((describe ~czs))
	   'enabled 'by= #3!((describe ~efs))
;	   'result= czs 
;	   'enabled 'by= efs
;	   (prim_base verb)

;	function: categorize_subject 
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: categorization of encountered subjects of  as (in order
;		of preference) 1)belonging to some basic level category,  
;		2)belonging to some subclass of animal, or 3)belonging to some
;		miscellaneous (but known) class.
;	calls:	base_cat_subj, anim_subj, some_cat_subj, emptyp
(defun categorize_subject (verb)
     (cond ((emptyp (list (base_cat_subj verb) 
	                  (anim_subj verb)))
	    (setq subject (some_cat_subj verb))
	    (if (listp subject)
		(cathelper subject nil)
           ((emptyp (base_cat_subj verb)) 
            (cathelper (anim_subj verb) nil))
           (t (cathelper (base_cat_subj verb) nil))))
;	function: person_subj  (function not currently used in defining verb)
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: the atom 'person, if a member of the class person has been
;		encountered as the subject of 
(defun person_subj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vsub class (build lex "person"))))
;	function: anim_subj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of the kinds of animal which have been known to 
(defun anim_subj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub1 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vsub1 class (build lex "animal"))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! member
                                     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! members
                                     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))))
;           (#3! ((find (compose lex- class-  member
;                                agent-  act lex) ~verb))
;            (list #3! ((find (compose lex- class-  member
;                                     agent-  act lex) ~verb))))

;	function: base_cat_subj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of basic level categs. which have been known to 
(defun base_cat_subj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub2 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 (OR #3! ((deduce member *vsub2 class $vbasic))
		     #3! ((deduce members *vsub2 class $vbasic)))
		 #3! ((deduce object1 *vbasic rel "ISA" 
                             object2 (build lex "basic ctgy"))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! member
                                     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))
                   #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! members
                                     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))))))
;	function: some_cat_subj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of the kinds of things which have been known to 
;		or the atom 'something, if nothing known about what can .
(defun some_cat_subj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub3 act (build lex ~verb)))
	         (OR #3! ((deduce object1 *vsub3 rel "ISA" object2 $somecat))
	             #3! ((deduce objects1 *vsub3 rel "ARE" object2 $somecat))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- ! object1
				     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- ! objects1
				     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))))
;           (#3! ((find (compose lex- object2-  object1
;	                	agent-  act lex) ~verb))
;            (list #3! ((find (compose lex- object2-  object1
;				     agent-  act lex) ~verb))))
           (t 'something)))

;	function: categorize_object 
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: categorization of encountered objects of  as (in order
;		of preference) 1)belonging to some basic level category,  
;		2)belonging to some subclass of animal, or 3)belonging to some
;		miscellaneous (but known) class.
;	calls:	base_cat_obj, anim_obj, some_cat_obj, emptyp
(defun categorize_object (verb)
     (cond ((emptyp (list (base_cat_obj verb) 
	                  (anim_obj verb)))
	    (setq object (some_cat_obj verb))
	    (if (listp object)
		(cathelper object nil)
           ((emptyp (base_cat_obj verb)) 
            (cathelper (anim_obj verb) nil))
           (t (cathelper (base_cat_obj verb) nil))))
;	function: person_obj  (function not currently used in defining verb)
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: the atom 'person, if a member of the class person has been
;		encountered as the object of 
(defun person_obj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce object $vobj agent $vsub4 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vobj class (build lex "person"))))

;	function: base_cat_obj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of basic categs. of things known to have been ed.
(defun base_cat_obj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce object $vobj1 agent $vsub5 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vobj1 class $vbasic1))
		 #3! ((deduce object1 *vbasic1 rel "ISA" 
			     object2 (build lex "basic ctgy"))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! member
				     object- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! members
				     object- ! act lex) ~verb))))
;           (#3! ((find (compose lex- class-  member
;				     object-  act lex) ~verb))
;            (list #3! ((find (compose lex- class-  member
;				     object-  act lex) ~verb))))
;	function: anim_obj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of the kinds of animals known to have been ed.
(defun anim_obj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub6 object $vobj2 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vobj2 class (build lex "animal"))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! member
				     object- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! members
				     object- ! act lex) ~verb))))))

;	function: some_cat_obj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of the kinds of things known to have been ed,
;		or the atom 'something, if nothing known about what can
;		be ed.

(defun some_cat_obj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub7 object $vobj3 act (build lex ~verb)))
	         (OR #3! ((deduce object1 *vobj3 rel "ISA" object2 *somecat))
	             #3! ((deduce object1 *vobj3 rel "ISA" object2 *somecat))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- ! object1
			  	     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- ! objects1
			  	     agent- ! act lex) ~verb))))
;           (#3! ((find (compose lex- object2-  object1
;			  	     agent-  act lex) ~verb))
;            (list #3! ((find (compose lex- object2-  object1
;			  	     agent-  act lex) ~verb))))
	   (t 'something)))

;	function: categorize_indobject 
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: categorization of encountered indirect objects of  as 
;		(in order of preference) 1)belonging to some basic level 
;		category, 2)belonging to some subclass of animal, or 
;		3)belonging to some miscellaneous (but known) class.
;	calls:	base_cat_indobj, anim_indobj, some_cat_indobj, emptyp
(defun categorize_indobject (verb)
     (cond ((emptyp (list (base_cat_indobj verb) 
	                  (anim_indobj verb)))
	    (setq indobject (some_cat_indobj verb))
	    (if (listp indobject)
		(cathelper indobject nil)
           ((emptyp (base_cat_indobj verb)) 
            (cathelper (anim_indobj verb) nil))
           (t (cathelper (base_cat_indobj verb) nil))))
;	function: person_indobj  (function not currently used in defining verb )
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: the atom 'person, if a member of the class person has been
;		encountered as the indirect object of 
(defun person_indobj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce indobj $vindobj object $vobj4
			     agent $vsub8 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vindobj class (build lex "person"))))

;	function: base_cat_indobj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of basic categs. of things encountered as indirect 
;		object of 
(defun base_cat_indobj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce object $vobj5 agent $vsub9
			     indobj $vindobj1 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vindobj1 class $vbasic1))
		 #3! ((deduce object1 *vbasic1 rel "ISA" 
                             object2 (build lex "basic ctgy"))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! member
				     indobj- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! members
				     indobj- ! act lex) ~verb))))
;           (#3! ((find (compose lex- class- member
;				     indobj- act lex) ~verb))
;            (list #3! ((find (compose lex- class- member
;				     indobj- act lex) ~verb))))
;	function: anim_indobj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of the kinds of animals known to have been the indirect
;		object of .
(defun anim_indobj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub9 object $vobj6
			     indobj $vindobj2 act (build lex ~verb)))
		 #3! ((deduce member *vindobj2 class (build lex "animal"))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! member
				     indobj- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- class- ! members
				     indobj- ! act lex) ~verb))))

;	function: some_cat_indobj
;	input:  a verb to be defined
;	output: a list of the kinds of things known to have been the indirect
;		object of , if any;  
;		the atom 'something if nothing known about what can be the
;		indirect object of 
(defun some_cat_indobj (verb)
     (cond ((AND #3! ((deduce agent $vsub10 object $vobj7
			     indobj $vindobj3 act (build lex ~verb)))
	         (OR #3! ((deduce object1 *vindobj3 rel "ISA" object2 *somecat))
	             #3! ((deduce object1 *vindobj3 rel "ISA" object2 *somecat))))
            (append #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- ! object1
				     indobj- ! act lex) ~verb))
                    #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- ! objects1
				     indobj- ! act lex) ~verb))))
;            (#3! ((find (compose lex- object2- object1
;				     indobj- act lex) ~verb))
;            (list #3! ((find (compose lex- object2- object1
;				     indobj- act lex) ~verb))))
	   (t 'something)))

;	function: cause
;	input:	a verb to be defined
;	output: a list containing the result of .  List will contain 
;	either propositions (molecular nodes) or patterns for them, 
;	from rules (pattern node).
(defun cause (verb)
     (cond (#3! ((deduce object1 (build agent *vsub11 act (build lex ~verb))
			rel (build lex "enable")
			object2 $goal))
            (cond (#3! ((find (compose cq- ! ant act lex) ~verb))
	           (list #3! ((find (compose cq- ! ant act lex) ~verb))
		    'or 'to 'enable 
		     #3! ((find (compose lex- act- object2- ! rel lex) "enable"
			        (compose lex- act- object2- ! object1 act lex) 
	    	   (t (list 'to 'enable 
		        #3! ((find (compose lex- act- object2- ! rel lex) 
			         (compose lex- act- object2- ! object1 act lex) 

	   (#3! ((deduce mode (build lex "presumably")
			object (build object1 (build agent *vsub11 
						     act (build lex ~verb)
						     time $vtime)
				      rel (build lex "enable")
				      object2 $goal)))
            (cond (#3! ((find (compose cq- ! ant act lex) ~verb))
	           (list #3! ((find (compose cq- ! ant act lex) ~verb))
		        'or 'to 'enable 
		  	#3! ((find (compose lex- act- object2- rel lex) "enable"
			     (compose lex- act- object2- object1 act lex) ~verb
			     (compose lex- act- object2- object- ! mode lex)
	           (t (list 'to 'enable 
		     #3! ((find (compose lex- act- object2- rel lex) "enable"
			     (compose lex- act- object2- object1 act lex) ~verb
			     (compose lex- act- object2- object- ! mode lex)

	   (#3! ((find (compose cq- ! ant act lex) ~verb))
	    (list #3! ((find (compose cq- ! ant act lex) ~verb))))

           (#3! ((find (compose cq- ! &ant act lex) ~verb))
	    (list #3! ((find (compose cq- ! &ant act lex) ~verb))))

	   (#3! ((deduce cause (build agent $vsub11 act (build lex ~verb))
			 effect $result))
	    (list #3! ((find (compose effect- cause act lex) ~verb))))))

;	function: effect
;	input:	a verb to be defined
;	output: a list containing the enabling conditions
;		of .  List will contain either propositions (molecular
;		nodes) or patterns for them, from rules (pattern node).
(defun effect (verb)
    (cond  (#3! ((find (compose ant- ! cq act lex) ~verb))
	    (list #3! ((find (compose ant- ! cq act lex) ~verb))))
           (#3! ((find (compose &ant- ! cq act lex) ~verb))
	    (list #3! ((find (compose &ant- ! cq act lex) ~verb))))))


(defun prim_base (verb) '(not set yet))

;	function: emptyp  (a predicate)
;	input: a list
;	output: t if the input list is empty, or a list* of empty lists,
;		nil if list contains any elements which are non-null.
(defun emptyp (lst)
     (cond ((null lst) t)
           ((AND (listp lst) (emptyp (car lst))) (emptyp (cdr lst)))))

(defun cathelper (lst aset)
   (cond ((null lst) aset)
	 (t (cathelper (cdr lst) (adjoin (car lst) aset)))))